you spell it is uh... W W O R Q
last name, G U I

got a job
Tuesday, 31 July 2012 @ 6:06 pm
Alright, been doing nothing much nowadays due to the fact that I don't have to go school anymore.

Been screwing with my body clock again damn it -.-
Well at least that means I can watch the Olympics hehe :)

Ok, so I found a job recently, as an assistant robotics instructor.
I'll have to coach them until mid-September, which is their competition period

Guess this will keep me occupied a little and not leave me to rot at home totally.
Settling the admin stuff for my withdrawal now, going to officially withdraw already.

That's all from me now. Gdbye

Withdrawal from Chem Eng
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 @ 3:01 am
I've been doing alot of thinking lately.. I've been super stressed out by my course which I'm currently studying in Poly - Chemical Engineering.
Chemical Engineering is one of the best courses in Poly, which is probably why it is one of the toughest as well, and NUS is the only Uni in Singapore that offers a degree in Chemical Engineering. Moreover in NUS, Chem Eng is arguably the toughest course already, tougher than medicine or law even..

The GPA requirement for NUS Chem Eng was raised from 3.89 last year to 3.99 this year (why not just make it 4.0, no diff right -.-).. And I heard that they only accept 10 students from Poly every year, where the other 100+ slots are reserved for A level holders.. And those 10 Poly students are competing from SP, TP and NP, meaning approximately >300 Chem Eng students combined from all 3 Polys. So only 10 students out of these >300 students are selected to join NUS Chem Eng. The rest will have to study abroad if they really want to pursue Chem Eng as their career, otherwise they'll just have to study another degree..

Talk about the society getting more and more competitive nowadays.. looks like it's getting more fucking impossible instead... 3.99 GPA seriously? The only way one can achieve that kind of GPA is either he's Einstein or a freaking robot. At least other courses like Engineering or mechanical engineering have more leeway with more understandable GPA requirements like 3.5~3.7 ..
3.99 is just.. simply impossible, there's no room for error.. You'd have to be perfect .. One mistake and poof.. there goes your 0.01 GPA margin for error.. =.=

And the fact that I screwed up my Year 1 GPA is altogether destroying my chances to enter into ANY course in a local U.. unless it's a private U, which usually doesn't offer the job-scope related to my course. Most of the courses in Private Us are business-related, which I'm not interested in..

So I have been contemplating lately on changing course.. * I will continue updating from here when I have more to say *
For now, this issue has left me moody and disorientated these few days. Blogging about it may help keep it off my heart. Bye for now ~

Okay I've made up my mind already.
I'm gonna withdraw from my course, though I've yet to be officially withdrawn. I need to contact my lecturer now to settle the admin stuff and that's all. For now, my parents are asking me to find a job, which I won't mind. Beats having nothing to do at home.

Anyway now that I'm gonna be withdrawn from my course, my plan is to study dentistry(either through diploma in NYP) or learn it from private institutes/labs from overseas. Why dentistry? Well some of you might know that my parents are dentists.. so yea, they can help me a lot
And I mean A LOT .

Like even after I graduate and go out to work, I can still seek them for guidance, that's why my parents are kinda urging me to study dentistry as well. I won't budge anymore since this would be my last chance to pursue further studies already.

For now, I'll probably have to complete my NS first before continuing on with my studies. NS is so inconvenient seriously... waste 2 years in between ...
That's all I've to say regarding this issue. I pray that I can turn over a new leaf after this lesson learnt.
~ bye

Revival attempt?
Saturday, 14 July 2012 @ 4:38 pm
Ok I've been neglecting my blog ALOT lately.. and kinda feel like reviving it again..
I've had many of these kind of hiatus moments of blogging before.. guess this is one of them again, and I'm trying to blog regularly again for 2 reasons
1) I realised blogging is not just for others to read, but it is also for myself to look back at my memories as time goes by.. I created this blog when I was Sec1 or Sec2, therefore this blog has already preserved most of my memories since then.
2) I've been feeling bored and lonely of late, so I decided a blog would be a good way to share my feelings and expressions to everyone, and occasionally let out a few rants onto my blog.. Guess it's pretty normal

Ok, things that happened lately -
1) MAWE concert
2) Li en & my sister both studying in Australia
3) Sick

MAWE concert  

Ok, Monday was our MAWE concert and heck it was a good one, although it wasn't perfect and we didn't manage to get full-house sales.. Nevertheless, 2 months of practices every Saturday and Tuesday paid off. Did some catching up with old friends, ate together after practices, went home together, slacked together, and most importantly played music together... MAWE would be for nothing without such awesome company.

This is easily my 4th or 5th Esplanade backstage pass already .

Section photo with MAWE percussion ^^

Li en & my sister studying abroad 

Ok, Li en's departure to Australia was last Sunday whereas my sis's was this Friday(two days ago).
Felt emotional for both, different sort of emotions of course. One is that a friend of mine is not in Singapore anymore :|
and another is that one of my family member is not staying under the same roof as us anymore :\

Feels rather weird.. to see two people from my life living far away from me now, despite the availability of  skype and oovoo... I guess all I can do is adapt. Furthermore, we're all growing out of our teens into adulthood already, so we're inevitably going to go our separate ways sooner or later. Like after getting married and starting our own families etc.. We're all going to spend less time with each other and spend more time with our families instead.. So yea, sometimes being too close to someone really hurts, especially when he/she has to go abroad to study or work.


Alright, in view of the recent weather.. Many Singaporeans are getting ill, and I am one of them.. But I was lucky not to be sick on Monday, which was my concert day. I fell ill only after school on Tuesday, which I then stayed at home to rest on Wednesday and Thursday after getting an MC from a doctor of course. So despite falling ill, I would say I was kind of lucky to fall ill on Tuesday instead of Monday :)

That's all I have to say for now, I'll try my best to keep my blog regularly updated from now on. Bye ~