last name, G U I
Sunday, 29 April 2012 @ 3:20 am
Hmm.. did nothing much these few days..
School's been relatively fine for the first two weeks I guess..
MST(Mid-Semester-Test) is in Week 7, and Week 2 has just passed by in the blink of an eye..
I remember just 4 or 5 weeks ago I was in Malaysia
3 to 4 weeks ago I had my class outing and Wild Wild Wet outing
And now, just like that 2 weeks of the new academic year has just flown by.
Life is short, it really is.
And speaking of new academic year, these 2 weeks have been relatively ok, but as the weeks progress, the workload is just gonna pile up non-stop.
In secondary school, school ended at 2p.m latest (6p.m for cca days), and then I reach home by 2.40p.m because my house is so fucking near.
And when I reached home, I could bathe and relax and watch tv or play Fifa for awhile before starting on my homework/studying
Now, school ends the same timing as office hours do.. and because I live reasonably far compared to my Secondary school, it takes around, or at least an hour just to get back home..
With all the projects and workload given to me, I don't even bother to look at my tv or xbox, or think about Fifa when I reach home, my mind just sets itself to get started on my group work and sleep as early as possible.
And this Semester's timetable sucks big time. IT REALLY SUCKS.
Monday 8 - 1p.m (no break in between _|_)
Tuesday 8 - 5p.m (no break from 8-1 as well _|_, worst day of the week)
Wednesday 8 - 3p.m (even weeks), 9 - 3p.m (odd weeks)
Thursday 8 - 3p.m (only a one-hour break from 12-1p.m when all the foodcourts are the most crowded, so crowded that some people resort to buying cup noodles from the Cheers shop just to avoid being hungry..)
Friday 11 - 1p.m (odd weeks) <-- Best timeslot of the week , 11 - 6p.m(even weeks)
So basically, 4 out of 5 days, I have to wake up at like 6+ a.m
I don't know whether it's my course that is so demanding and requires me to wake up that early, or is it just that my principle's an ass ...
I'll admit the homework I receive cannot compare with a JC student's, but the overall workload (in terms of group work, practical reports & memos, etc..) is almost as tough as, if not tougher, than a JC student's...
Gosh, no time for enjoyment... This sucks, choose a good course in Poly, and your life is pretty much like a JC student's life.. haha, except with less stringent rules, timings & attire..
Feeling better
Tuesday, 24 April 2012 @ 1:51 am
Alright I'm feeling better after a week already :)
Still having a runny nose, but not as severe as it was a week ago.
But all the major irritating stuff like the headache and incessant coughing has finally stopped :)
And about time I got back to full fitness, Year 2 is such a bitch!
I foresee a steep mountain to climb for Year 2. Of course, it will merely be a climb to set up base camp.
The final climb to the summit will be in Year 3 when I choose my elective modules and have my Final Year Project.
The climb to the top will definitely be tough and demanding, but if I can handle it properly, the descent will be a pleasurable one as well.
Anyway, here's all my medicine I had to take over 5 days...
And my favourite one of them all had to be ...
After 30mins when the medicine took its effect, I would be like
Hahaha, alright. Gotta sleep, have school tomorrow. Bye
went to school
Thursday, 19 April 2012 @ 2:45 am
Ok, I went to school yesterday... and honestly, I didn't feel significantly better..
Still had a nasal voice when I spoke, still had lots of phlegm, having to control my coughing every now and then...
Felt like I should have just stayed at home, but of course.. I didn't want to miss anymore lessons after having already missed two days..
I'm posting this now at 2+ a.m cos I can't sleep.. due to my incessant coughing..
My throat's been so itchy and irritating all night that I'm having involuntary coughs every now and then..
Sucks to have to go to school in this kind of condition
Worse still, not being able to sleep in peace because your throat will just be itchy all night long and start coughing at its own will.
That's why I felt like I was half awake the whole time during my sleep last night...
Fuck this shit, please faster go away fucking cough !
didn't go to school ..
Monday, 16 April 2012 @ 3:55 pm
Alright.. woke up this morning feeling all shitty and so I decided not to attend the first day of school.. which in its own way, felt kinda shitty as well..
Of course I would've gone to school if I wasn't unwell..
Been spending the whole morning and afternoon blowing my nose and rushing to the toilet several times to clear my phlegm..
Feels fucking miserable omg ..
Fuck lady luck, seriously. The first 3 weeks of the holiday where I did nothing but rot at home I was totally fine...
And the last few days of the holiday some random flu got to me...
WTF -.-
Gonna go to a doc tonight to get an MC, for today and tomorrow would be ideal. Just to rest and recuperate fully for school on Wednesday.
Bye ..
school starts tomorrow
Sunday, 15 April 2012 @ 4:54 am
Fuck this, school starts tomorrow and I'm down with flu ...
Over the 6 weeks of holiday, I was fine.
Until the last few days of the holiday and I'm down with flu...
What kind of black magic fuckery is this... -.-
After abit of thinking I did over the past few days, I've decided to just do my best for the remaining two years and study in a private Uni or go overseas.
Cause if I calculated correctly, even if I get 4.0 GPA for the remaining 4 semesters.
My cumulative GPA at the end of year 3 will only be 3.3
And most courses in NUS and NTU require like at least 3.7 GPA ??!!!
Poly life fucks you up if you're a slacker..
Screw up your Year 1 and your chances of getting into Uni are as slim as the possibility of the existence of smart blondes.
I'm posting this now at 5.10am.. gotta fix my body clock asap ..
Ok, fuck this.
School here I come >.<
Last week of holidays
Friday, 13 April 2012 @ 2:35 am
Gaahhhhh, it's the last week of the long but fulfilling 6-week holiday..
Gotta say, this is one of the holidays where I felt I didn't really rot at home that much as compared to previous ones :D
If I recall correctly, I spent the first week packing my room and celebrating the end of Year 1
Organising soccer games and trying to find a job.
And then celebrated Li en and Hui ho's birthday at Costa Sands resort over the weekend.
The cake was the epitome of epic!

The second week was pretty much the same, and I actually found a job through my friend..
The third week was supposed to be when my job was supposed to start..
Until I received news from my friend that the boss was having NS...
I was like ..

Spent nearly every week playing soccer then.. it's important to stay fit !
The only regret I have now after 6 weeks, is that I haven't been jogging every night as I had wanted to.. sigh, I hope I still have time to jog when school reopens..
But from past experience, it's gonna be hard if not, impossible.. -.-
Went to Malaysia from the 3rd - 4th week, and that was the most enjoyable part of this holiday. Even though I had no internet there, I could manage to survive the 3 nights there..
Many teens nowadays would die just one day without internet, let alone 4 ..
I won't deny that I'm quite reliant on internet, but I won't say I'm addicted to it either.. =\
Spent most of my time there enjoying the food, scenery and warmth that my relatives offered. It was a nice 4 days of stress-relief :)
To the extent that I didn't have the "Home-sweet-home" feeling most people get when they return home..
Kinda miss those 4 days ever since I came back.. cos Singapore is just so dull and stressful.. a total contrast with Malaysia..
Moving on.. Had a class outing on the 5th week.. which was quite fail ..
We were supposed to go Pulau Ubin to cycle.. but most of them couldn't, or didn't want to, make it.
In the end, only about 6 or 7 of us turned up.. We travelled to Changi Village to have Botak Jones for lunch, and then took an hour-long bus ride to my friend's house for a lepak-cum-bonding session..
After which we went to Old Airport Road for dinner.

We ordered the famous Lau Ban Beancurd, Oyster omelette, Char kway teow, etc.. Kinda enjoyed that dinner, but felt guilty for not jogging often enough though... haha
Went to watch Maris Stella Symphonic Band's SYF marching display assessment at the Indoor Stadium on Saturday.

Two years ago (when I was the graduating batch), the band achieved a Distinction in the lower division.
This year, they attempted to compete in the Main division, but only managed to get a bronze..
Kinda felt sad for them.. but this is only the MSSB's second time participating in a marching assessment.. You know what they say, success comes with failure.. I believe that MSSB, along with its alumni band, will continue to prosper in its indoor performances, and one day in outdoor.
But generally, things have been improving for the Marist-band family.
MSSB clinched a Gold with Honours award for the indoor SYF last year, the first in a very very long time, if not the first.
And for this year's Primary school SYF, Maris Stella Primary clinched a Gold !
During my time, they had only been getting silvers consecutively.. which sparked a need for change. Ever since the new conductor had taken over MSSB at first, and then the Primary band, a string of excellent results have followed.. :D
I'm proud to be a Marist bandit !
Ok, wtf went off-topic there..
Ok so it's the final week of the holidays now..

Went to Wild Wild Wet with some friends on Monday. Haven't been there in a while, and most of the rides, if not all, have been left unchanged since I last visited it 5 or 6 years ago..
No new rides, whatsoever.. In fact, they even removed one of the rides - The skytram thingy that you sat on and rode like a bicycle along the tracks..
Credits to Li En for blogging on the trip :
Played soccer on Wednesday.
Felt a little emotional at the end of it because it was to be the last soccer game of the holidays.
I've been playing with them every week and then now this was to be the last game..
Felt kind of sudden.. like the holidays had just flown by in the blink of an eye..
We are now trying to see if it's possible to make time on weekends to meet up for soccer games still.. It'll be hard, because everyone's schedule is gonna be different.. sigh, hoping for the best :(
That was pretty much a summary of what I did over the holidays ..
Spent today cleaning my room and rearranging furniture. I love the feeling you get when you vacuum all the dust and dirt in those hard-to-reach places underneath or in between furniture, that you normally cannot do because it's either inconvenient or you have no time.
Just some more final touches to be done tomorrow and my room will look sparkling clean.
Being in a clean and pristine room sure makes anyone feel better already :)
Now all I gotta do is to prepare for school
I'm hoping for a fresh start for my remaining two years.. no more slacking, no more last-minute mugging, despite many of my friends claiming that in Poly, you can do that and still succeed.
I've learnt it the hard way that all of that is utter bullshit.. There's only two ways to do well, regardless of where you end up
1 : Be a mugger
2 : Be a closet mugger
Either way, you have to mug. And I don't mean mug as in last minute. I'm talking about from the start to end of a whole semester .
That's pretty much a summary of my holiday. It's been an eventful holiday and I hope to do well for the next 2 years. My GPA is screwed badly enough already, the most I can do now is not to look back, but just do my best and contemplate my options after graduating..
Adulthood is a bitch. I swear ~
Just gotta embrace it and live on.