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Sunday, 9 October 2011 @ 2:45 am
before posting a long one, just want to tell ya'll that I now have decided to make a tumblr account. Feel free to look it up, and maybe follow if you wish, haha :P
haha alright... finally managed to touch my blog after a damn long self-imposed blog break .. I know I'm a bad owner... oh well ~.~ ... wanna use the holidays to slack as much as possible, that includes ignoring my blogging responsibilities, lol
haiz, totally demoralized by my Semester 1 GPA ... totally never study at all, everyday go home slack and play likaboss ~.~ , end up gpa like shit ... I duwan say here, cos it's really damn shit ...
I'm hoping Sem 2 will be a different story.. like seriously.. I alrdy give myself a target, if I don't get above 3.0 GPA for Sem 2, I'm gonna try out other courses or maybe even consider JC ..
I know it'd be crazy for me to go JC .. but it's counter-intuitive .. many people say JC is much more hardcore than Poly.. well I agree, but there's actually a twist ..
in JC, the exams are like Pri/Sec school type.. means the exams the school gives you doesn't affect your future.. it only affects your conduct report and report card.. but it doesn't affect the main exam which you're sitting for, PSLE/O/A'levels .. this means even though you fail some subjects here n there in JC, you still got time to catch up until A'levels arrive.
whereas in Poly.. it's different.. even though it's 'slackier' and more spread out, i.e - 3 years instead of 2 years , the exams are based on every semester.. meaning that you cannot afford to slack for each semester.. you have to be super consistent, more consistent than a JC student for that matter ..
failing to be consistent will have consequences that I'm facing now.. I failed my oh-so-beloved organic chem module which I have been complaining about in previous posts... which means it's not much of a surprise.. -.-
With such a crappy gpa for my Sem 1, being able to admit into a local Uni is gonna be tougher on my shoulders now. For a Poly grad to be admitted into a local Uni is already hard enough, and I just fucked it up even more ..
I seriously don't know whether I can still make it or not. I wonder how much will this crappy gpa affect my cumulative gpa over the next 2 years.
I seriously regret now... very very very heavily regret ...
bcos of that failed module, I can't take certain modules with my class now and have to study the failed module with another class, which means I'll most probably have to graduate half a year later than my classmates.
It's like wtf la. A total sucker punch right to my face. Having to repeat the module is already bad enough, yet they still want to drag on my Poly life for another half a sem.
Haiz ... had I known Poly life was not gonna be that easy, I would've had contemplated more on going into a JC instead... as I feel it suits my style better, as a slow learner =[
What to do sia. Life must go on ... shouldn't regret anymore, should just move on and don't repeat the same mistake again. One week of holidays left, I'm hoping I start Semester 2 with a brighter, more confident, more ready side of me.
I wish all of you reading this to not be like me and let your guard down on anything. I made the mistake of underestimating the consequences of not doing well. And here I am, lagging behind my class just bcos of one module failure. Haiz , bye ~
sad but true
@ 2:17 am