last name, G U I
Wednesday, 30 June 2010 @ 1:44 am
60 more days to Prelim 2116 more days to O'levelsmy blog is gonna be semi-hiatus.
holidays are over!!!
Sunday, 27 June 2010 @ 7:10 pm
and has been a great holiday where we had a much-needed break..
spent the month, or rather, two weeks..(due to the first two weeks being taken up for holiday lessons) doing nothing much really..
rotted at home throughout the two weeks..
the only fun thing I did was paintball,and inviting friends over for world cup matches and sleepovers
well.. holidays are over.. so fun aside now.. no more sleepovers,no more watching world cup (DAMN!)
less than 20 weeks to O'levels :(
these 3+ months, now determines how well I do for O'levels :x
argh~ stress!!!
hmm... school starts again tomorrow. oh well.. think positive.. at least I don't get to rot at home anymore =\
argh!!! 3 more months of school in Maris Stella, now I'm thinking about all my friends whom I'm going to leave, rather than the O'levels itself.. lol ={
3 more months and I'm gonna leave a place where I've spent my last 4 years in.. all the memories,all the teachers,all the people I've made friends with, in Maris Stella..
oh well.. life goes on =\ .. just like how school starts tomorrow +.+ ..hopefully I'll make new & great friends when I go JC/Poly :)
PEACE people :) , holidays are over. don't slack!
Fifa world cup logo
Friday, 25 June 2010 @ 1:55 am
ok..I came across this group in facebook where they claim that there is a hidden message in the South Africa 2010 world cup logoI think you should have seen it too.. it's like all over facebook.. lol
and I find it rather amusing.. I mean take a look at it..
What do you exactly see in the logo? -.-
and I find it so amusing ..
after googling for some results... there are so many opinions and comments made by people..
haha,take a look at this website and see how much speculation it can cause
haha,I suddenly feel so SS after googling it :P
and looking at the logo now gives me the creeps O.o
weird ~
okay,have fun reading the comments :P
Paintball 19-6-2010
Wednesday, 23 June 2010 @ 12:10 am
wooo ~!went paintball-ing at Johor on Saturday with JoonWoon & his family + WeiJie + his bro's friend.. lol
had to wake up at 5.30a.m to take MRT to Tiong Bahru where his parents picked WeiJie & I up
but worth it though =)
considering I couldn't sleep throughout the night due to excitement and eagerness..
well..actually,I did.. but only at 4a.m O.Olol
that explains why I slept almost the whole time in the car .. espcially the jam on the causeway that made it more tempting to sleep to kill time. lol
we were planning to reach the site by 9a.m .. but due to the jam and losing our way when we reached Johor..
we only reached the site at 12 noon -.- ..
we played for two hours,until 2p.m ..
and in case you've been wondering why we went Johor to play and not Singapore.. is because the rates there are 2 or 3 times cheaper than here..
2000 paint pellets there cost total 455RM , I think.. whereas in Singapore, it would cost around 500SGD .. +.+ .. totally worth the time and effort to go there..
totally pretended I was fighting in a real gunfight, ran from cover to cover, made leopard crawls, provided covering fire.. and did all the cool military stuffs etc.. =D =D =D
the pics are with JoonWoon..who hasn't sent me yet.. zzzz ..
but once I get them,I'll upload them
well.. that was pretty much what happened over the last week.
dang, this is the last week of the holidays!
World cup.. omg
Wednesday, 16 June 2010 @ 10:39 pm
sup peoplehahayesterday was a fun-filled day.. or rather,a fun-filled night..started of yesterday by waking up in the morning to study in Bugis library with JoonWoonone of the rare times,I would say,where we actually sat down quietly and studied without being distracted most of the time =Pafter studying till around 4+ .. he decided to wanna stay-over at my placeafter getting consent from his mum, yeah~! we headed home and let the party began xDRandy and RenBin soon joined in the sleepover, but hell,it was a rather fun sleepover. we watched God of Gamblers 1 & 2 online.. haha,epic Chinese gambling movies back in the 80's ..that killed most of our time, where we spent the remaining hours before midnight playing Fifa10 on my Xbox360totally had an epic time playing it... especially all 4 of us choosing a 5-star team and losing to a half-star team whom we chose as the opponent.. thereafter,we headed to Macs at 2.30a.m to catch free world cup screening,hahait was considerably crowded, perhaps cause it was FREE, therefore people who didn't suscribe to world cup had to go there to watch, and cause it was Brazil vs North Korea.. Brazil obviously being the fan-favourite country :)the match ended in a 2-1 victory to Brazil, yay :Dit was soon 5a.m where we got back to my house and then finally couldn't take it anymore and our eyes just shut off *.* yea,it was a multitude of fun yesterday :D but sadly.. I had tuition today and have to start the mugging engine already..oh well... 14 more weeks !!! peace out ~
allergic reactions
Monday, 14 June 2010 @ 3:52 pm is now the start of a two-week break for us Sec4's .. while the rest are on their 3rd week already..
anyway,I haven't blogged over the weekend due to some allergic reaction sickness that I got on Thursday night..
which was why I didn't go school on Friday.. hah, I missed two holiday lessons.. bleargh ~
I don't know what I consumed.. but on Thursday night,after my dinner. I starting feeling itchy all over the body.. thought that they were just mosquito bites..
but the following morning,when I woke up.. my whole body had patches of puffed up skin.. damn disgusting..
I wanted to take a picture and post it here .. but I'd rather not.. it's truly disgusting...and itchy..
went to the doc. , got a jab, took some pills,and the reaction stabilized over the weekend.
phew ~ that's the benefits of living in a country like Singapore, where you just have to walk at most 20mins to find the nearest doctor..
and due to all the inactivity that I've been facing over the weekend - no soccer,no running, etc..
I've gained 2.5kg over the weekend... -.-
and I went to play soccer just now.. my sweat smelt worse than a fish market...
this shows how much toxin accumulated in my body over the weekend... it feels good to finally get rid of them.. =)
and my hands are still slightly swollen. Hopefully after one more round of pills tonight, I should fully recover by tomorrow =x
kay,peace out people ~
last day of holiday lessons
Thursday, 10 June 2010 @ 11:46 pm
whoathe week has just gone like that.. two weeks.. in fact o.o ..the holiday lessons actually took up half of the whole holidays .. =Pwell I don't mind.. cause I know by staying at home,I'd rot away anyway ..admittingly,the holiday lessons are quite fun & productive =)despite the early mornings, the lessons themselves are worth the time already :)school life is so much more peaceful without the other levels(in my opinion) .. but I gotta admit.. as the holidays draw closer to an end, the heat on O'levels only gets higher.. there is almost no time left,unless something is done from now onwards.. =\this is the period of time where most Sec4's will start activating mugger mode, going into an anti-social, pressurizing state until the O'levels are over.. I gotta say, I can't exclude myself of course.. guess this blog will be dead-er and dead-er by the days.. until O'levels..that is.. =\anyway, tomorrow is the last day of the holiday lessons. hmm ... glad that I can finally take a break, but at the same time worried about how I'm going to spend the remaining two weeks and if I can use it wisely :(right.. enjoy the rest of the holidays people! :D peace out ~~~
one week of holidays ..
Monday, 7 June 2010 @ 12:12 am
one week of the holidays have just passed ..time really flies.. as a matter of fact,I wouldn't even claim this as a holiday for me & the rest of the Sec4's week of extra lessons have just passed, and there's one more week of lessons leftthereafter,the two remaining weeks are not meant for slacking either ..with regards to my lousier than lousy L1R5 score for Prelim 1 .. I have withdrawn from an alumni competition(SIBF - Singapore International Band Festival) that takes place in July .. I didn't want to withdraw.. cos the parts I'm playing for the songs are my favourite.. but seriously.. my L1R5 is like higher than my average percentage... =.= ... think about how F*CKED UP that is can?and there is what.. less than 4.5 months to O'levels?sigh~ oh gosh.. I'm not afraid about the effort I have to put in for these 4monthsbut ratherit is the fear of succumbing to the pressure argh~ E.M.O T-T
Thursday, 3 June 2010 @ 11:23 pm
argh~!I'm putting on the pounds day by day!!I seriously need to get rid of the junk in my trunk I went for a jog just now .. tired as hell, but sure feels good after releasing all those endorphinsand the desire to lose those pounds is etched in my mindargh~! need to control my diet too hope I can slim down T-T chill out people~!
back from Sabah
Wednesday, 2 June 2010 @ 6:39 pm
ok..time to blog about the Sarawak,or rather,Sabah trip ...cause by the time I reached there,I realised we were actually touring Sabah.. and not Sarawak.. so I kinda mixed them up .anyways.. Sabah's quite a nice place.. it's home to South East Asia's tallest mountain, Mount Kinabaluthe locals call actually call it Mt. Akinabalu , with the 'A' in front. They believe it's a mountain for your souls to rest on after death.akina means ancestors, balu means mountain. It simply means ancestral mountain.. if you translate it to English.. and my tour guide said that every true Sabahan must climb the mountain at least once in their lifetime, so that when he/she dies, his/her soul 'knows the way' to the mountain that explains why people believe they can see faces out of the mountain rocks..which are believed to be the ancestors who rest there now.. haha, fascinating stuff =) , didn't know a mountain could hold so much mysterygo check it out >>>,I spent the first day sitting in a van for 2hours + as soon as I reached the airport, which drove us all the way to our resort up in the middle of the mountains via roads that were constructed to 'twirl' around the mountain.It was a truly tiresome trip up there, imagine sitting 2hours in a vehicle.. in Singapore,you only need 1hour vehicle ride,or even less, to travel from East to West Coast O.O
and the elevation was constantly rising as the lorry drove higher and higher... with lots of sharp turns to make.. the trip made me giddy,I can still feel the twirls and whirls in my head now +.+ ..but it was a truly memorable experiencesince the altitude was so high, a look out of the van saw us shrouded in clouds I didn't take pictures of the shrouding of the clouds =(
but imagine driving past soft and wooly cotton balls high up in the sky xD .. lol? nvm -.-but other than the ascent up to the mountain, there were many other memorable events that happened and sights that we witnessedanyways, when we finally reached the mountain hotel, I immediately got off the van, and because it was raining, the air there was like air-con .. seriously,I think even colder than the lowest temperature your air-con can go :Dand the hotel rooms didn't have air-con ...THERE DIDN'T NEED TO BE ANY!!! free air-con.... =)here are some pics I took up in the mountains before I made my descent to the city the following day.

the hotel we stayed in 
the room I stayed in

view from the room window

this is some hotel spa, the small hut you see in the picture above

the picturesque views of the mountain range

there was nothing much to do up there, so I just lazed in the hotel room and watched TV =\
haha.. the second day arrived, and it was full of activities, we first took a 45min ride via lorry to Mount Kinabalu National Park, where we walked on canopy walkways. It was quite scary at first, because the bridge was slightly shaky, and I held on to the side ropes very tightly =x
but nevertheless,it was an accomplishable task for many first timers,including myself :)
the rainforest trekking route

look at how tall this tree is. The ropes you see are what binds the bridges in place
what you see below is not the forest floor,but it's the canopy.. it's at least 30m from the forest floor from up here...

after the canopy trek, we went for hot spring baths

that was pretty much everything that happened on the second day.
After the hot springs, we went back to the hotel to have a quick bath and then packed our luggage and went on another 2hour+ lorry ride down to sea level again :)
we then checked in at another hotel in the city side
it was by the beach. Which meant that there was plenty of beach activities. Went snorkling on the 3rd day, and I got bitten by a fish on my left middle finger. So you want to see the injury,fish? Take a look at my middle finger then _I_

after that, I just waited for the following day to come and then HOME SWEET HOME!!!
that's pretty much the whole trip summarized. cya folks ~! enjoy ur hols :D