last name, G U I
blogging from Sabah
Saturday, 29 May 2010 @ 9:11 pm
haha. blogging from a wi-fi cafe Italian cafe here in Sabah. having dinner now. going home tmr,yay!
off to Sarawak~
Thursday, 27 May 2010 @ 12:27 am
I'm off to Sarawak ~I'll be back on Sunday
chao people
don't crank your brains up studying for Chinese O'level..
oh,and if I happen to die in a plane crash or anything.. I love you guys ~
300th post~
Tuesday, 25 May 2010 @ 9:21 pm
wooo~my 300th post!!! (noob)loland yayI just got a new phone!!finally got rid of that sucky Omnia II of mine for good ...heh~ and this week's been all Chinese intensive revision ..I'm just plainly following the class for Chinese lessons for no apparent reason ...although it does benefit me in the future one way or another .. =\ hmm.. oh wellbest of luck to all Sec4s taking their CL O'level =)and I'll be going off to Malaysia,Sarawak from Thurs to Sun, 27 to 30 Maydon't know what I'm gonna be doing there +.+oh well, probably be a tourist and contribute to their economy ...well, cya people~ damnit. I have PTM tomorrow.*digs grave*
new phone!
Sunday, 23 May 2010 @ 11:09 pm
whoa!rather outdated blog. I've been lazy to blog for the week ..don't know why either.. guess I just don't have the mood =\anyways, everyone's having O'level Chinese intensive revision now..I can feel the stress(although I'm not taking) , for all my friends +.+cause I have to follow them for revision too...=.=anyways..I'm getting a new phone tomorrowthank god...cause my SAMSUNG OMNIA II sucked like shitso if you are planning on getting a new phone, please don't get Samsung Omnia IIok,bye. shall blog again asap :)
L1R5 is screwed
Tuesday, 18 May 2010 @ 10:39 pm
sigh~ failed pretty much almost everything ...I basically screwed my Semester 1 up... (inserts four letter word here)...e.m.o
receiving exam results
Monday, 17 May 2010 @ 9:54 am
arghwent to play soccer @ Kallang,The Cage on Fri
it was fun, considering I haven't played for a long time
but had body cramps all over ..
then I went for alumni prac on Saturday ..
whereby after practice,I played soccer in school and attempted to do a bicycle kick(somersault kick)
I ended up on the wrong side of my back, the side
now I'm dealing with a twisted lower left-back of my body
you have no idea how pain it is
well,actually it's bearable.. but it gets damn irritating at times, especially when I move my hips.
that's pretty much the stuff that happened over the weekend ... fatigue and injuries prevailed in me
oh,and I've got fever also... =.=
heh, and I have no school today as it is marking day. muahahahahahaha
oh noooo, I'm gonna receive results tmr!!!
hope I don't die ... T-T
chao people ~ the holidays are coming =)
Friday, 14 May 2010 @ 1:20 am
the exams are over
well,for me at least.. cause I don't have to take the CL listening compre paper :P
our 'last' paper actually ended yesterday, E Maths paper 1
anyways,Wednesday was the 2nd last day of the exams, where I went to JoonWoon's house along with Dwayne, where WeiJie soon met up with us.
we then went to play pool @ Mt.Faber SAFRA
it's been a long time since I've been there, let alone played pool
hah,we were basically 'celebrating' already,although we had an E Maths paper left.. but none of us seemed to care xD

hmm ...
yesterday was the last paper, and ironically, I had tuition in the afternoon, lol..sad life :(
but before that, friends and co. came over to my house to slack and stuff.. heh .
and I got a feeling . . . . . .
that tonight's gonna be a good night ~
lol. gonna play soccer later
I need the exercise,I'm feeling shag after weeks of non-exercise ...
yeah~! have fun people, but don't play too hard until you go crazy. lol :)
Season is over !!!!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010 @ 7:47 pm
hey guys
and so...
a whole season of English Premier League football ended this weekend
that's >38 weeks of English football in place
cause in case you didn't know how long a season in Premier League football lasts, one season comprises of 38 games, in which each game is normally pre-scheduled before the season starts, to be played every weekend, so that ticket sales can exceed weekday sales.
so why isit >38 weeks of football? cause some weeks in between are taken up for competitions in other cups or league events..
e.g - a one week break in Premier League due to International friendlies,matches etc..
it could be due to an involvement of a club,let's say ManU,Chelsea,Liverpool or Arsenal , in an external league. like the Champions League,a European-based League
or it could just be simply due to unforeseen events like a snow-covered pitch,therefore the need to postpone a game.. etc
yea,that's just to give you a brief info. on a season in the English Premier League.
well of course,sad to say..from the URL of my blog, you can tell I'm a ManUnited fan ..
but unfortunately,they didn't win the title this season...
the title ..... belonged to Chelsea... ~.~
but it's okay.. shan't be greedy... cause ManU have been claiming the previous three titles .. it's Chelsea's turn ... I guess? haha :P
ok whatever... the new season will begin in mid-August
and in between,there is WORLD CUP! =D
which StarHub won the broadcasting rights to , yea baby ~!
it's during the June holidays too!yea,I can watch World Cup live ! that rocks
haha, anyways, that's besides the point...
oh gawd,I'm GG-fied for today's A Math & E.History paper...
I skipped loads of questions in A Maths & totally left SEQ for History blank...
off you go into the failing list,you two
although I mentioned in the previous post that I will not fail A Math...
looks like the inevitable truth has now shown... I haven't been no matter how determined I am,nothing much can be done :\
now I must do well for the remaining papers for tomorrow and Thursday, Human Geog & E Maths ~
ok,best of luck to myself~ lol
cheers people, have a nice post-exam schedule planned ahead, but if you're like me,taking O'levels this year
don't slack too much kay.
studying for exams
Saturday, 8 May 2010 @ 1:00 pm
hmm...seemingly a pretty dead blog here...
no mood to blog,as I've been mugging everyday for the week for various subjects in the exams
English was rather tough,I felt ... the Compre especially.. teacher who set the paper must've been over-ambitious +.+
haha. CLB paper was epic. for Paper 1 (letter writing & compo) , that you normally take in CL, you have to write a letter and a compo right? and the time given is usually 2 hours or so..
but for CLB, they let you choose between letter writing or compo ... and the time given is 1 hour ~
seriously.. epic
and for Paper 2 ( the main paper ) , the CL paper would be 1.5 hours,I think, .. while the CLB paper was only 1hour .. with 30 MCQ questions only...
E math paper 2 wasn't that bad as I expected.. quite easy nonetheless.. except that I screwed myself up by not having enough time to complete 2 more questions that I could've gotten 'free' marks out of.. +.+that's 22 marks out of 80 gone... f*ck =.= ...
same for SS , not enough time.. bleh~
my combined Humans are inevitably screwed.. with E.History not yet taken!!!
haha,I'll be expecting an E or F for my Combined Humans this term.. =.= .. they've never been good anyway :\
then there's Chem and Physical Geog
I think I did reasonably well for Chem, probably a high B3 to low A1 .. yeh =)
hmm..and for Geog, didn't complete some parts cause I wasn't too confident on how to do them.. like the global warming LORMS question.. I totally left it blank.. =( 8 marks gone...
but there's still Human Geog! which can hopefully pull my Geog overall up
my allowance for failure for Prelim 1 is only two subjects. which of course my Combined Humans is due to be in the list ...and a slight possibility of English being inside =( oh no :(
my Sciences and Maths,no matter what, must not be in the list!!! >: (
looking forward to the upcoming week of examinations left to take
Physics,A Maths , E History and Human Geog and E Maths paper 1
LOOKING FORWARD to Physics and E Maths paper 1 :D
not so looking forward to A Maths and Human Geog :\
totally not looking forward to E History... :(
lol,that's all I have to say for this week. there's one more week of exams to go
Chao people ~
no mood to blog
Sunday, 2 May 2010 @ 1:58 am
sigh~no mood to blog ..
xbox spoilt
prelims next week ~
ARGH *.*
feeling so lackadaisical in everything I do now
it's only been a week and I miss my Fifa10... T-T
zzzz ...
forget it. I gotta control myself
there's no Fifa10 in O'levels anyway ...
sigh~ my life feels so meaningless now *.*