last name, G U I
Monday, 26 April 2010 @ 9:40 pm
wooots~Prelim 1 next week,and I haven't started studying. GG ~!I should start now ... T-Tanyways,recently,I don't know why it seems like Chinese Chess is one of the games that can keep my friends and I started two or three weeks ago,where every recess,after a meal, I'd go to the SRC ( Student Recreational Centre ) to [PLAY CHINESE CHESS] (don't think wrongly :P ) with my classmate.don't know.. maybe it was just out of boredom ..
and then , wow.. we hadn't played it for a long time.
therefore we had forgotten how fun and engaging it was

since then,we've been playing more chinese chess, lol ~!
and now,one of my classmates brought a mini CC set to school ..hmm
could this be a sign of a trend ? :P
lol,heh ! I should be studying :( oh man~! fcuk the mosquitos in my room ~! at least 5 bites already ... BITCHES. ONE DAY I SPRAY INSECTICIDE YOU ALL DIE ...!

2.4km run ... FAIL
Friday, 23 April 2010 @ 10:16 pm
lolwoah!it's been nearly a week since I've updated ...hmm... been tired everyday and lazy to post new stuffs ..not that anything interesting has happened lately anyway .. =\anyways,however, had 2.4 km run yesterday at Serangoon Stadium..

weather was rather favourable
overcast,but no rain - perfect
anyways... I failed =.=
haven't been exercising much lately...
I've yet to take my 5 stations test ..
darn~ =\
wooo!!!! no band for Sec4s tomorrow,PASS OUT!!!
ok,bye~ I'mma enjoy the late night that leads into a band-less tomorrow~
Saturday, 17 April 2010 @ 11:41 pm
Yesterday was officially the last day of band for the Sec 4's .. Sports Day that is..therefore,no more band !!!! wooooo!~!!!! xDanyways..
it was a half day,school ended at 10a.mso we just waited for lessons to end like impatiently.. xPit was located at Hougang Stadium the band members had to report at band room at 10.30 though'.. while the others could report straight to the stadium at 12.45 but good thing is we got to go home early .. =Panyway ..this year's Sports Day was really boring .. just the routine al' races ...except that this time, the band got to go onto the soccer field to do a final presentation to the school,our formation display,that claimed our school a distinction in the SYF Assessment :)hmm.. apart from that, everything else was pretty much the same as the previous years of boring sports days... *yawns* , lolhere are some pics,I took with section mates and fellow Sec4's, which will probably be the last pics I'll be able to take with them in band =( 

I swear,I look damn retarded in these pics...

sorry,Dwayne. didn't take any with you cause you left already.. =P
anyways,after all the photos.. it was time to go for PL heARTbeat ,some concert organized by PLSS(Paya Lebar Secondary School), with Pak
it was a concert that emphasized on ARTS(therefore the emphasis on the word 'ART' in the name of the concert)..
got to see performances from the choir(where Jess performed :)
Guzheng Tuan(BaoYing & YongLe performed too :)
and other performing arts like drama, dance, band, guitar ensemble, harp ensemble, handbells and PL inspiration(a performance that comprised of handpicked talents from an audition)..
it was abit too lengthy though'.. 3hours... +.+
but it was worth it,for $10 =P

picture taken from his fb profile,so it's kinda small here,don't know why. lol =\ 

last band prac
Friday, 16 April 2010 @ 12:12 am
today will be the last band rehearsal/practice I will have for my secondary school life..

although I'm happy about it,there are some sad thoughts to it ;\
happy that I can finally concentrate on my studies AT LAST !!!
gosh .. u don't know how torturous it to cope with studies with CCA practically nearly 5 times a week ..
and with O'levels this year.. +.+ ... phew ~! so glad that cca will no longer be a hinderance.. =)
other than concentrating on studies, I don't have to go school on SATURDAYS anymore !!!!
which has become a band tradition.. as band pracs are always on Wednesday and Saturday ..
which is damn damn damn(x 10000) ... SIAN , cause Saturday's pracs always start in the morning.. at 8a.m ..
which means our Friday nights are deprived of late nights after an entire 5 days of a school-week .. +.+ ...
well,that's pretty much all the stuff I'm happy about passing out :D
hmm... well the sad part is that..
I'll have to part with my beloved section mates ;(
I'll eventually miss Saturday morning pracs,and some point in time,actually wish to go back for practice..
it's human psychology .. when things are offered to you,or given in excess, you take them for granted and usually don't cherish them .. only when you lose them,will you regret not cherishing them earlier on ...
so yea.. after passing out,I will definitely miss the times I've spent in band =(
and the memories I've had with my juniors and bandmates .. lovely :)
sigh~ this's part and parcel of life .. you must learn to leave your loved ones behind eventually =( , all good things come to an end..yea?
okay then! tomorrow is my last performance with the band ( Sports Day ) , I shall make it count then .. I shall go sleep now then :)
chao,people ~!
Chinese oral !!
Tuesday, 13 April 2010 @ 10:05 pm
omg!had Chinese oral today after school =O !my reading section totally fail ...but for my conversation section,surprisingly .. I managed to dig out some words from my mouth and speak to the teacher hmm.. if I pass,it'd be a miracle anyways .. cos I'm officially not a Chinese student anyway =\in case some of you didn't know ( I'm taking Chinese B ) Chinese Basic .. yea,it's not really a Chinese loser's type of thing.. it's just for people who have weak Chinese foundation .. yea so if I pass, I'll wow at myself .cya guys ~ 21 more days to Prelim 1 , geesh T-T
SYF Assessment & Beautiful Sunday over !!!
Sunday, 11 April 2010 @ 11:40 pm
holy crap man ~!SYF assessment and Beautiful Sunday concert are over !!!!
I didn't have time to blog for the previous two days cause I've been back late and sleepy,so I didn't have any mood to blog.
but now that all the performances are over !!!
I can finally relax for abit,excluding studies though, of course... =(
this sucks,I wish there'd be no school tmr,I really need a break, I'm dying fatigue caused by continuous days of band ~!!!!
it's just great that it's all over now! =D
especially getting a DISTINCTION for the SYF assessment
the few months of hard work put in by the band definitely paid off =)
I'm so proud of the occassion :)
anyways,after performing,we got to see Display Bands perform their own antics it was quite nice :)no pics tho' =(
well,that was yesterday
for TODAY ~!performed at the Esplanade with the Alumni band for Beautiful Sunday(the name of the Concert)cool! I've performed in Esplanade three times so far. it's a privillege you know ;)
not many people get a chance to perform in Esplanade, heh
I feel so honoured to be a part of the Alumni band, and the sense of prestige I get when I perform with them =)
Thank You MSSBA ~!
I think I'll leave temporarily though,due to O'level concerns..
one more week to the official passing out of Sec fours !!!!!!
haha,but although it's a great prospect,I gotta admit
I'll miss band quite alot, especially the memories that exist since I've spent most of my secondary school life with the band, from sad times to epic times :)
the memories will never fade, I'll miss all my band peeps,and especially the PERCUSSION section ~!
you all are like brothers to me =)
all the times we've gone throughmemories we've sharedpain we've enduredjoy we've relished
It's a sad departure :( , but life goes on..
I'll miss you percussion~ ! ;)
screwed A Maths test...
Thursday, 8 April 2010 @ 11:59 pm
f*ck it...screwing up one test after another ...screwed up A Maths today greatthere's homework to be done, bye...
screwed up English Oral
Tuesday, 6 April 2010 @ 10:53 pm
damnit..screwed up my Prelim English oral today ..and Geog test.. omg... FAIL T-TF*CK ~! ! !
Friday sectionals with Fredy
Sunday, 4 April 2010 @ 2:34 pm
hi allfinally get a chance to update after a series of band-related activities got the better of my energyanywayshad band sectionals with on Friday GOOD FRIDAY,it was..but heh! it didn't turn out so bad :)started off the day,reporting to band room at 9a.m then started practiceit was fun,considering it was only sectionals,and not FULL band :)so it was more peaceful,and allowed section bonding to take place err.. haha xDyea,we shared laughter and tears of joy together.. =Pesp when my junior slipped and fell twice while practising the steps xPit was epic,everyone couldn't stop laughing,you had to be there to witness it...hahahait was all fun and practice until lunch time!where we were so kindly treated for lunch by our instructor^^and we headed back to school after lunch,to continue practising .it was not long before I ended the day off playing soccer with some of my section matesnot bad =) here are some pics of the sectionals

this was taken on our way to lunch... GAY!!! xD