last name, G U I
Maundy Thursday
Wednesday, 31 March 2010 @ 11:31 pm
oootmr's Maundy Thursdayof the Holy week , in the Christian calendarwell,since Maris Stella is a Catholic school,its Christian traditions are obviously not shortlivedand my school will be letting us engage in this 'agape meal' for tomorrow's recess, it'll be an extended recess,no tables,no eating utensilswe'll be sitting down on the floor like Japanese/Koreans and eat with our bare hands :Dcoolhaha, and then there's Good Friday no school !but f*ck it..have to go back to school from morning til late settle flaws or mistakes in the marching display ..BASKET .. such an exploitation of a PUBLIC HOLIDAY offence to any band members/authorities but this is just my opinion SCREWE IT , have a Physics test tmr, gotta study. Chao ~
normal weekend..
Sunday, 28 March 2010 @ 3:29 pm
hmm..another pretty boring weekend again ..had band on Friday..had RenBin to stay over at my house, sorta our weekly Friday routine now. lolhad band on Saturday(yesterday) went to City Square with band friends and seniors for dinner at a Japanese food courtkinda ex.. lolhmm .. yeah,pretty much .. boring weekend. k,cya peepole
Kun Rong *ah choo* !
Thursday, 25 March 2010 @ 8:52 pm
hahahad an epic day yesterday ..everyone had studied for the SS mock test yesterday..and those who didn't.. well,was worrying about how badly they'd fail , not leaving me out of course :P..and so .. the test was after school.. and of course I expected to fail ..and one of my classmate had some serious sinus problem ..he sneezed like 20 + times in 30mins .. and 31 times throughout the whole testthat didn't fail to cheer us up during the test.. xD..and then .. the whole test was like a freaking rickroll (LOL)there was no invigilator .. and our teacher left us on our own 'integrity' ...not to cheat when he left the class.. and so ,we didn't cheat.. we were doing the test diligently like a real test.. and then I fell asleep halfway lol..for like 10minshahand then .. after the test ended... the most f*cked up thing happened..yes,the rickroll..the teacher gave us the answer scheme and told us to go home to mark ourselves.. we were like "WTF!! " omg... kena cheated.. =.= haha.. well,epic mock test man .. damn the teachers! revenge is a must,hehehe >: Dhmm.. today was pretty normal.. school day,blah blah.. yeh,ok. cya.. homework :(
screwed day .. totally !
Tuesday, 23 March 2010 @ 11:02 pm
today was a damn screwed day to begin with ..
had to wake up at 5.30a.m cos I had to be in school by 6.30 with the band,to go to the Indoor Stadium for a sound-check/rehearsal ..
and I had to wake up at that time prior to a night I spent doing up my English compre homework until 3a.m ...
so inevitably ..
I overslept ..
so I thought I could salvage a cab at the last moment as I stepped out of my house..
but f*ck it..
I thought wrong..
so , I was like at the bus stop.. skipping all the buses,determined to wait for 'a certain' cab that would be coming soon
I also thought wrong ..
so in the end,I walked all the way down to Kovan MRT(due to the taxi stand that was situated there), cab
so in the end... trained to Serangoon to try to hitch a cab there.. I was mighty late already..
it was like an epic struggle for survival,as I was racing against time to reach school before the bus set off (otherwise,I had to make my own way to the Indoor Stadium)
so I did manage to get a cab in Serangoon, I was like.. *oh.. thank god! finally O.O *
but it was freaking like.. 6.56a.m already? and the bus was supposed to be scheduled to leave at 7 ... =O !

I was frantically panicking.. delusional, worried, guilty.. all at the same time..
oh gosh ..
even the cab driver could tell from my facial expression that I was rushing for time, and worried about something ..
in the end,I was mighty lucky ..maybe miraculous? I don't know..
but I got to school on time by the limits of the boundary
as soon as I paid the cab driver,I immediately ran towards the bus which saw me being glared at,by the band teacher ..
I was sinked by guilt,but lifted with relief at the same time
and when we got there,I was feeling giddy ..
I saw many other faces too,only a few didn't have bloodshed eyes
they must have slept real early then.. good for them =.=
and so we rehearsed till around 9 ..
and were scheduled to be back by 10 , but got back after 10 in the end ..
so.. that summed up my morning ..
what a GREAT way to start the day eh? ;) .....................................
and as soon as I got back.. had to go back to class for lessons .. =.=
boring much ..
and blah blah + remedial after school
the moment I got home, the bed became my best friend
what an epic day~ ... +.+
oh,almost forget.. there's SS test tomorrow.. screwed,screwed,screwed !!.. __
Sunday, 21 March 2010 @ 7:39 pm
okay..I've not been updating since Tues was cos of back-to-back band pracs from Wed to Sat ..WED - BANDTHURS - BANDFRI - BANDSAT - BANDWTF's like pushing our limits.. I feel ..argh!what to do? ..we have a formations display competition coming up in early April.. sigh~SO TIRING... AHHH !!! :(here are some pics,I took over the 4 days due to boredom +.+..renbin on the piano

I think that's JianWen's saxophone behind,yea

Dwayne smirking at I duno what.

*BANG ! *

Lucius,u are damn retarded. I swear

= - )

haha. this was yesterday. there was this singing event at Serangoon... look at the number of spectators.. *laughs* xP ..

day out with RenBin,Randy,Lionel & Dwayne
Tuesday, 16 March 2010 @ 1:17 am
okaydelayed postsupposed to post yesterday but was sleepy and fell asleep ..
okfirst day of the one-week holiday,lol
woke up quite early,at 10, considering it's a non-school day :)
then played xbox until noon ...
argh! gotta start on my holiday homework man =.= ...thereafter, went to AMK Hub for a movie with RenBin,Lionel,Dwayne & Randy
we watched Kaiji , some movie about how this guy is heavily in debt and bets his life on trying to clear them off
go watch,quite interesting :) 
after movie, headed to the arcade for a short while and played the basketball shooting game

lol,we suck at it.. while we were watching some chick own us O.o

after that,we LAN-ed for two hours
my Dota is as bad as a fish trying to breath on land
so I guess I pissed off my teammates, RenBin & Dwayne :\
hahahaahahaha, what's so fun about Dota anyways? =.=
after LAN-ning, had dinner , and MRT-ed home
bathed,played a little xbox & slept..
hmm,damn it.. can't go out today! must do homework !!! >: (
not feeling well
Sunday, 14 March 2010 @ 12:06 pm
a one-week break has arrived..but heh,f*ck it..24hours of it will be spent in school,from Wed - Fri .. ( 8 hours of band prac a day) .. bloody __ ...PLUS . holiday homework ..can't wait to pass out :(and I had band yesterday .. formation drills got the better of me and I had to rest .. I hope I'm not unwell ~ sighs..this is really NOT the time to get unwell ! >: (argh.. peace
PTM tomorrow
Thursday, 11 March 2010 @ 10:39 pm
arghas the indoor formations display sound check (for my cca,band) is coming up in like less than two weeksthere will be band tomorrow (which is supposed to be an early-dismissal day as tomorrow is PTM - Parent Teacher Meeting) ..OMG !!!!!!!T-T and Wed,Thurs & Fri of the March holidays next week will be taken up for band pracs from 9-5 daily..=) how you wish you were in my shoes eh? ;) . .. .F^*& !~!~~~!!
didn't do LORMS qn.. =(
Tuesday, 9 March 2010 @ 11:30 pm
hi all
I was more tired than ever today
kept playing with my chair to and hoistering it up and down for I duno what reasons,during Maths lesson
it was so HOT, I was far away from under a fan
even with the windows fully open,the low-level class certainly doesn't allow much wind to circulate ...
we should all have air-cons in our classrooms..
seriously,it affects our learning .
the hot and stuffy conditions in the class make me so restless and sleepy everyday .. damnit ..
ARGH ! ...
and I didn't complete my Geog paper, lost about 1/3 of the marks there ..
band tomorrow ~
OMG T-T ...
tiring shit ~ =\
GEP + formation sectionals
Monday, 8 March 2010 @ 10:37 pm
today was a tiring day..kept dozing off in the stuffy hall during hall assembly ..and GEP lessons(remedial) after school was no differentfelt restless and sleepy during A Maths remedial ..but thereafter,had SS remedial but it was in an air-con room .so I guessed that lifted my spirits a little .. so I didn't doze off there :)BUT THEN after that,stayed back awhile more for formation sectionals (band)more tiresome then ..and I have to study for Geography, I have a test tomorrow ..sighs ~start of the week is usually the suckiest .. peace -
Sunday, 7 March 2010 @ 11:05 pm
sry for the outdated bloganywayhad a cross-country run at Bedok Reservoir on Friday the 5th of March4km .. lolgot 306th position ..out of like 400+/- ?gahh ..feel so shag nowadays :\bleh ~anyway,here are some pics ~

OMG ! testss...
Wednesday, 3 March 2010 @ 10:57 pm
arghhh !!!!I guess the reason why I've not been blogging since Sunday cause I've been so busy lately.. I had four(supposedly) tests - Geog, A Maths ,Chem & Physics today..but luckily Geog & Physics got postponed to next weekthank god ^^but nevertheless,I think I'll still fail the A Math test cos I screwed it up..didn't study yesterday night cause I went to my friend's house (after remedial/GEP) at 5p.m , to study.. and fell asleep when I reached back home at 8p.m +when I actually had the intention to study for A Maths ..gah !I guess the stress of the O's are coming inevitably .. the point now is not whether you're getting stress or not, but it's how much stress you're getting ...right now,although it's only March ..
CCA has resumed (after the Common Test break for Sec1's to Sec3's.. )
which totally sucks .
cause right now,we're practising for some marching competition/assessment
and it's like in 3 weeks time...
this is just me
I won't be surprised to see a whole batch of white haired people emerging from the younger generations sooner or later ...
crap ~