and English mock test after school
I want to learn Fireflies on the piano !
-in progress-
new boots !
Sunday, 21 February 2010 @ 10:11 pm
no band yesterday,so could sleep late,wake up late ! yipee
AND .. got new soccer shoes as well

sexy shoes man ~
then I went Serangoon and played soccer with friends to try out the shoes
it feels great
ok .. that was yesterday
today ..
was pretty normal .
that's all I guess..
cya folks ~
Friday, 19 February 2010 @ 10:12 pm
argh !
I'm so glad tuition got cancelled today !!!
ok,I was so stupid to drink Pokka milk tea last night before sleeping
which made me couldn't sleep
what time I managed to fall asleep eventually is up to you to guess :)
hint: it's not earlier than 3.30a.m
ok ..
went to school like half-asleep +.+
with the same regurtitative feeling I had yesterday ..
today even more.. probably cos I didn't eat much for breakfast
argh !~
but settled into school soon,and was waiting for PE lessons,which I wasn't too sure if I could take it
but I managed to be able to survive PE + play soccer during recess
soccer after school
so I skipped recess to play soccer,and lunch break too
got home,and alongway,bought chicken rice(extra rice and extra chicken) ..
haha !
got home and munched on it like I couldn't stop eating
that filled my empty stomach :)
anyways,peace guys. have a great weekend ~
no band tmr... whooo !
Thursday, 18 February 2010 @ 8:57 pm
things got from bad to worse today in school..
firstly,it's the stupid MRT .. which had a 1 or 2 min delay which caused my latecoming,along with some others..
unlucky few of us..
and I thought I was able to go for school today cos it seemed my headache and fever had subsided..
but the moment I reached school,I kept on having small regurtitations,but I didn't eat.. so nothing to regurgitate,but air ..
couldn't really concentrate in class either..
wasn't feeling like the norm.. slightly drowsy.. ahhh
"it's alright" I told myself.. since tmr is a FRIDAY !!!! :P
lol,anyways.. on the 12th of February 2010,
at the Esplanade Concert Hall,
while playing the song Nobody on the drums,
at a particular time ..
I pronounce the semi-death of my sticks ~
r.i.p ~ I knew you couldn't last long anyway -
and now.. how about a treat for everyone :)

back from M'sia
Tuesday, 16 February 2010 @ 11:50 pm
I'd just like to thank Sophia for helping me blog while I was away in M'sia ..
the concert
sry for not updating earlier..
don't know why I couldn't upload the photos onto my com ..
well,I can now
so ..
it's probably gonna be the last concert that I'm gonna perform in my entire Secondary band life :(
and I'll miss the Esplanade backstage..
it's so spacious and cozy,the rooms are so inviting to just slack and coze inside :)
hah,here are some pics of the entire concert day ~
lucius & renbin in shades ~

ZhiHui ,section buddy :)

what's so funny? lol

safeguarding the instruments at the back of the lorry on the way to Esplanade.. look at the pretty lanterns on the tree :)

the backstage rooms,cozy :)

my junior trying to squeeze into the locker. lol

now trying to get out.. oh no,is he stuck? =O

ok,phew~ he managed to get out .
yes? XingYu,taking a picture? O.O
havin' some gay fun =P

on stage,havin rehearsal

lol,what's with the lolli?
me and lolliman :P

set to celebrate Valentine's Day in style huh?

XingYu and I

WyTon <.< 
hmmm.. that pretty sums up the day.. well,except that the concert was epic :)
hmm ..
thereafter,celebrated CNY,and headed to M'sia ..
didn't take much pics there,except for this car I chanced upon
Sunday, 14 February 2010 @ 6:47 pm
Nick should be at Malaysia now i guess...O.O
Well wishes to his grandma.:)
Anyways, he apologises for not being able to blog about the concert yesterday and he will blog about it when he comes back on we shall await for his return! Ahahah~
Hope u guys are having fun this New Year + Valentine's Day...xD
Every year during new year is the time we get RICHERRR.. KACHING! $.$
Ahahaha!!! So grab this chance and go visit more people and get their MONEHH!!!:D
Okay i've accomplish my mission...
I shall get out of here NOW!
Have fun~
Thursday, 11 February 2010 @ 11:42 pm
normal day of school today
followed by band,no alumni
I wanna slack after that T.T
D'day over
@ 12:41 am
yesterday was D'Day !
stayed in school from 8a.m - 10p.m
and 'died' the moment I reached home ... T-T
didn't have time to do homework at all ...
there's one last practice of band today
the concert is tomorrow,so no doubt..
I sense a lackadaisical intro to CNY ...
*falls asleep*
zz..zz.zzz...zzzzz.zzz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
death Wednesday
Tuesday, 9 February 2010 @ 9:09 pm
was almost late again today ...
but luckily I just managed to catch the last MRT ride before time ran out
hmm,had a normal day of school
nothing out of the ordinary happened.. o.o
stayed back after school for band
tired~ *yawns*
tmr's d-day !
8a.m - 10p.m in school :)
sense the sarcasm in the smile people...
R.I.P ~ Nick
Monday, 8 February 2010 @ 11:30 pm
had a tiring start of the week today!
slept at 2 ytd after watching Chelsea beat Arsenal 2-0 ... bleh~
then woke up,and was almost late.. geesh,luckily there was a cab at the very last.. :P
today's hall assembly talk was presented by the principal of SAJC(St.Andrews Junior College)
she sorta gave a speech on SAJC,and sorta promoted it to us .. hmm.. I might consider? nah,I'm probably not smart enough to get in ... unless I mug like everrryyyyyday O.O
then went for learning journey at the SPH(Singapore Parliament House),not Singapore Press Holdings. lol

quite an interesting place,learnt some SS there :P
about the Legislative Council,MP's and all those cheem parliamentary stuff..~ lol
looks like Singaporean kids are not NE-enriched enough.. =\
haha,everybody's taking things for granted..
haha,ok whatever..
then had alumni night prac
gosh,have Geog worksheet due tmr.
peace dudes ! =)
Arsenal - Chelsea
Sunday, 7 February 2010 @ 10:15 pm
greetings everyone
this week is gonna be a hectic week for me

learning journey aft. school tmr
alumni at night
Wed too,band aft scul + alumni at night
then Friday,concert
then CNY !
haven't done new year shopping yet
I need a new bag .......... :D
ok,have a great week ahead of CNY people ~! =)
Friday, 5 February 2010 @ 11:19 pm
yay! a Friday
had a retarded day in class
didn't have PE due to Sec2 camp
so stayed in class and had 'free' period :)
chatted and laughed with friends
had Physics test
I think can pass? :)
headed home for tuition.
SLACK !!!! xD
oh no!!! tmr got band + alumni
concert's next week =O ...
an, almost whole, week of alumni practices await...
Thursday, 4 February 2010 @ 11:52 pm
had a tiring day of school today..
kept on dozing off
had alumni night prac(fun :D)
but burnt a hole in my wallet at pizza hut(had dinner with Dwayne,the smart alec who decided to eat there *.* )
yay !!!!
Friday !!!!
Wednesday, 3 February 2010 @ 10:47 pm
today totally sucks
woke up,first thing.. ok lah,although the cramp in my leg got better..
the bruise got worse..
ahhh,everytime it comes in contact with water,it burnssss !!!!
now my bathing times are torturous!... arrgghhhh!
now it's not the cramp that's bothering me alrdy..but the bruises.. damnit..
today had a tiring day of school + band ..
went Compass Point with friends after band for dinner..
ahhh,dead tired today !!!!
and there's History,Geog & SS test tmr !!! Humans triple kill ~
*jumps off a building*
*the world celebrates* ... hahaha!
and there's alumni at night tmr..concert is next week
anybody interested wanna go watch? haha,I can sell tickets :)
nvm ...
bye,off to *attempt* to mug..
3rd !!!
Tuesday, 2 February 2010 @ 9:41 pm
had History GEP today..
in air-con room! ^^
but we had to climb to the top storey,the 6th storey cos the room was there.. zzzz
after GEP,headed for soccer interclass! =D
got 3rd place !
didn't really expect to even get a place...
oh well ~
lucky I guess :P
but got a leg cramp,thigh skin tear,bruise on my butt,numbness on the right hand and a slighy body cramp in the process..
nevermind! it's worth it! for a 3rd place =)
argh! have A Math & Chem test tmr! wish me good luck people~ :P
Monday, 1 February 2010 @ 11:01 pm
GEP(Grade Enhancement Programs) lessons have officially begun
which are almost like your remedials..
GEP,CCA,tuition !!!
have to adapt the 'cannot sleep after school' mentality already .. argh !
tmr is soccer interclass! :D
looking forward to it,although don't think my class can win.
here's a lucky wish to myself ~
peace people ~!