last name, G U I
reunion dinner
Sunday, 31 January 2010 @ 7:25 pm
ok .. yesterday
had band,as per normal ..
then alumni
ooo,kinda interested in the new marching thingy that they asked us to do :D
seems kinda fun when I'mma march with a drum
anyways.. after band,stayed back for alumni
but this time,I had to leave earlier,cos I needed to go for a reunion dinner didn't play soccer
oh,and no pics of the dinner,sry :P
hmm ...
today is a Sunday ..
pretty normal ..
but I'm staying up until 2 tonight
to watch ManU - Arsenal at midnight !
peace out people! ~
Friday, 29 January 2010 @ 8:49 pm
whoops..sry for the two day hiatus my dear bloganyways..didn't have time to blog on Wed & Thurs was cos..Wed(school day off)so I woke up in the morning to play soccer with Kevin(Ho) & friendshmm..I AM THE DUMBEST PIG EVERI played barefooted on the concrete floor on a hot,sunny my feet got 'cooked' ..well that was until I wore shoes.. zzzz oh noo.. dead skin gonna accumulate ~.~ ..and I drank like more than 5cans of drinks and bubble tea to quench my thirst during the 4 hour+ soccer session wtf,drank until I didn't feel like eating lunch anymore..too fulland then had to rush home and bathe to meet friends at Mac to study.. LOLand this time,it wasn't so fail :D .. :Prepeat : this timelol...well,then I got home at night and wanted to blog about it ...........but my lovely com hanged for 3+ consecutive times til I didn't bother trying to on it again.. +.+ so I fell asleep eventually..Thurs,woke up for schoolhad to stay back after school to finish up Chinese letter writing which was overdue..initial plan to go home and slack, before heading for alumni was therefore foiled...but I still managed to get home,play a game of Fifa10 and get my ass to Kovan to meet with mah band peeps and go alumni together ^^ came back from alumni at arnd 10? .. followed Dad for late dinner/supper and came home at arnd 11.45 ..was dead tired and didn't bother on-ning the com .. so didn't blog ..okay.. FRIDAY(today) ..well,pretty normal ..after school,lunched with Dwayne & Rayen then after Dwayne [ 'escorted' :P ] Rayen home,he came over to my place and he's home.. and here I am blogging... ok,u'll probably be sleepy now.. boring post right? .. c'mon dudes! it's the weekends~ peace!
down syndrome
Tuesday, 26 January 2010 @ 10:00 pm
today was seriously retarded/fun/epic ... hmmm.. duno how I wanna look at it..maybe all? lolwoke up late again today .. +.+
and was early again ..ironically
dozed off during most lessons..
was super tired today.. duno why
after school,took circle line and there was this passenger who was retarded
I mean it..
literally retarded..
he was like making weird signs with his hand and going around flashing it in front of random people O.O
the MRT was crowded with schoolmates and everybody was like trying to avoid him. LOL !!
as soon as the MRT doors opened,everyone rushed to get out. lol
it was dam epic man..
poor guy ;( ...
probably diagnosed with mental illness..
*definitely* sry. lol
after that,met friends and had early dinner
hmmm :)
pretty relaxing,as there was alot of wind,and chatted alot too
ahhh,had fun :)
esp. since there's the thought of a day off tmr !!!!
wooo :D
ok,I'mma practise band songs now ..
peace ~
Monday, 25 January 2010 @ 9:47 pm
ok..had normal school todayhmm..woke up late,but ended up reaching school earlier todaywow !ironic shit...anywayseveryone got hyper when the school announced that there'd be a day-off on Wednesday for the whole school as a result of the good O'level results achieved by the boys last year!!!!weeeee!!!! xDok,I'mma complete all my homework nowfeel specially high =D +D +D+D+D+D+ D+ D+ DD: : :D :D: D: D:D :D::A: A::D: D:: :D :D: D: DO DL:O :D OD :D DD D: :D: D: D: D:D
Saturdays bands
Saturday, 23 January 2010 @ 12:39 am
another band + alumni Saturday today.
typical Saturday,I guess
soccer ..
recently,I've been playing soccer more often
but my left leg got this sharp pain ..
I think my left sole is under constant pressure from over-running
yay! heard that one day in the next week is gonna be a holiday for my school
ooo! excited
and then CNY celebrations are around the corner..
and everybody's getting into the festive mood
ah well~
CNY is a nice time of the year ^^
Thursday school day
Thursday, 21 January 2010 @ 11:22 pm
gaahh.had an eventful day today..
school as usual..
then Sec one band auditions after school took place
saw some potential percussionists :)
hope they're well behaved ! >: (
got home early and played xbox for short while
then bathed and met seniors for dinner before heading to alumni night prac
they were damn late..
anyways,while waiting for them,got a drink first
and I saw this SBS bus along the road,which had to stop cause the bus driver needed to pee damn urgently !
wow. poor thing ;(
so he just stopped the bus,with all the passengers inside,and ran to the nearest toilet
I missed alumni night pracs =( , but it'd be more enjoyable during holidays,of course.. +.=
hmm... I'm starting to love trigonometry !!!
*nerd* laughter (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! >: D )
woooo,lol~ hmm..
maplestory songs
@ 12:50 am
ahhh..when I listen to songs that remind me of the pastespecially maple songsahhhthe feeling of nostalgia immediately rushes through me !I quit maple about more than a year agoand then I remembered when I was Pri4,I started hearing about maple and I thought it was nothing special .. +.+ ,just some ordinary gamethen Dec,when I was P5my cousin intro-ed me to the gameand I was instantly drawn into the game and soon got addicted to itI knew I was addicted, my conscience just didn't want to admit itheh.. back then, maple had only the four basic jobs..listening to the song nowI look back at those days..where I burnt holes in my wallet to buy prepaid cardsto pamper myself(in maple) and show off to all my maple friends with fancy cash items.. +.+which I realised now,was damn stupid +.+ ...too late unfortunately ...those days where I'd get neck cramps from talking to my cousin over the phone, discussing about who to track(party quests) and so on..torturing the hard disk by playing maple for like 13hours..ahhh,the epic memories ...I still rmbr once where I woke up at like 7a.m+ just to do a party quest..and only some of you will know that sleepwalk .. (EPIC) !! those were the days,where I trained by assassin to be the ever so beautiful hermitand then my feelings for her(maple) started to fadeas I found no point playing on a level 81 character anymore +.+and now,few years down the road,so many patches,so many advances,alot of things have changed ... I just wanted to check out some Aran job skills just now..
and I happened to come across the Ellinia theme song. it's so peaceful and tranquil,and so nostalgic !!! ahhhh!maple is a shadow of my childhood/adolescence !!wtf man ~ =Othe feeling of nostalgia is like either beautiful or torturous,you don't ever know which way it goes ! =O like how I'm feeling nowreminiscing the epic timesandmissing them as wellNOSTALGIA !!!! >: (
double kill
Tuesday, 19 January 2010 @ 8:22 pm
double kill !today had Geog test and History testHumanities domination !!!T-Tbusy busy busy :(this is what u get from a Sec4 student..tests concert on the 12th Feb...more undue stress.. =.=that's my life.peace~
Sunday, 17 January 2010 @ 7:24 pm
had cca maze ytdno pics,sorryafter cca maze,had alumnifell asleep during it..-.-played soccer after alumni,as usualtiredboring weekend.bleh~
epic formations
Saturday, 16 January 2010 @ 12:32 am
ok..technically it's a Saturday now..cos I'm blogging after midnightthere's band again later..after a super tiring day today(Friday).. ~.~ok,like Dwayne(read his blog) I overslept and ended up having the need to take a cabbut I reached at 7.10 earlier than him xDok,the formations are now over.. pity the people who needed to march.. T-T=Pand damn it..there's band on Fridays now..due to the concert coming up next month..arghhh !!!!T-Tanyways..after school today,went for band to practise songs for cca maze/orientation laterand make decorations for the band booththen went for dinner and played soccer until 11 later's(Saturday) gonna be a tiring day again. have to reach band by 7.45then alumni after banddinner & soccer againahhhhTIRED~! >.<
Thursday, 14 January 2010 @ 10:03 pm
alright..started off the day with a damn f*cked up thing in the morning..shall not elaboratethen almost got latephew~ lucky there were cabs to salvagegood thing was that History test was postponed as my teacher didn't comeso can have more time to studylol :Pgahh,there's cca maze formation display tmrand then there's band after school..T-Tsad..sad.. life lol~
Wednesday, 13 January 2010 @ 12:45 am
ahhhtried studying todayfailed..seriously manwhere's the motivation?isit just cause the urge is not there yet?for meor isit the lack of motivation .. perhaps I need something to motivate me.. sigh~the last year here will be the best one. with new canteen vendors,air con hallswhat a sad waste man~anyways,got ting xie(chinese spelling) today.. and Physics & History test tmr..ahhh,cca display formation this Fri.. +.+=(
m.i.a =(
Monday, 11 January 2010 @ 5:50 pm
these two days
my internet was 'spoilt'
well,at least I thought so..
when actually I didn't on the set-up box ...
I'm such a blur pig ~
so finally,I realised it and now I'm using :P
ok,today got to witness the 2009 Sec fours take back their O'level results ..
it was so scary..
like damn stressful ~~~
bb,off to mug. lol >: P
Friday, 8 January 2010 @ 8:30 pm
wellpretty normal school day today..first time in the week I didn't doze off in classhope can continue that way next week and on .. =)anyways..had bandthen dinner with friendshome here..tmr's band againwooo,bleargh ~.~ ...
damn easy
Wednesday, 6 January 2010 @ 11:23 pm
okaythank god the A Maths confirmation test was not as hard as I expected it to bein fact,it was a giveaway ..when they only gave us 8 questions,and the paper was only one hour I guess,they didn't really want to kill us laso nice of them ^^they purposely make it quite easy so that we won't have to drop it :Dthey're not evilll..yay ^^ ahaha xDanyways.. ahhhh !getting more pimples lately..could be due to the stress of the school reopening..ahhh,I need to calm down ..pimples,be gone! >: (
damn easy
@ 11:23 pm
okaythank god the A Maths confirmation test was not as hard as I expected it to bein fact,it was a giveaway ..when they only gave us 8 questions,and the paper was only one hour I guess,they don't really want to kill us laso nice of them ^^they purposely make it quite easy so that we won't have to drop it :Dthey're not evilll..yay ^^ ahaha xDanyways.. ahhhh !getting more pimples lately..could be due to the stress of the school reopening..ahhh,I need to calm down ..pimples,be gone! >: (
new school
Tuesday, 5 January 2010 @ 10:28 pm
stupid A Math confirmation test tmr ~!!!!hope I don't fail,or even if fail,not so badly,so maybe I'll be put in probation and given a second chanceargghhhhstress !!!so many topics,so little time !T-Targh,damnit's always the first week of school that seems so it is being the first week,should be the slackiest,but.. no,it's notit's the sudden change of mood that makes it seem so hecticwell ...for me though, it's really hecticpartly cos of the test tmr !!.. =.=and CCA Maze next week..we have band pracs like tomorrow,Fri & Sat ..omg ! die man ~ T-Theh,well.. that's my life. peace out yo ~ =)
Sunday, 3 January 2010 @ 4:39 pm
school starts tomorrow!bet that's what everyone's talking about..anywaysit's been a long two months since I've seen my friends and classmatesand I'm gonna see them again tomorrow :)but.. I just hate that feeling of the sudden adaptation u have to make,after two months of long holidays,and then the for the next 6+ months of school,it's all more late nights with people whom I care(extremely saddening for me)no more waking up past noon anymoreno more meeting your friends/special ones any time you wantno more feelings of freedom/lazinessno more long hair/ankle socks no more (insert activity here)'s a childhood/adolescence happiness/freedom deprivalbut it can be fun though :D , if ur a good boy/girl in schooland can socialize well and do random stuff AFTER schoolahaha ! >: Dwell,and yep,it's truethe reason why I actually don't feel reluctant to go back to school is cosI get the see my friends againand I get to relive the memories of having lunch with them everyday after school, meeting some unexpected people along the way >: P doing random stuff on the MRT on the way to lunchmeeting friends in the morning to take circle line to school togetherahhh,the memories ^^and some of them were epic too xDand yea,after lunch,my friends would always come to my house to studywhich in the endwould always fail =(ahahahaha.damn seriously =(well,this year. if friends come to study/it's not gonna fail again,I hope >: (O'levels man !no jokeso I'll probably have to give in my xbox to my mum =Oand request for it only on weekendsheh,I have a feeling it'll work ba =)haahahaoh and,the school's canteen vendors changed toothey renovated and decorated the stalls they now have a muslim stall, dim sum stall, and a drinks stallOMG !!which all weren't there last year..woooo ~! looking forward to trying out the new canteen food man ~! ahahha xDthis sucks.. all the good things always come only when we're leaving ..ahahathat's besides the pointanywayssmaller class sizenew canteenlast year of Secondary school !2010 is gonna be the most stressful year of the decade for me(due to O's)but after O's all hell will break loose !!! ahahahaha >: Djust one more year ~! and my future is more or less predestined :)ONE MORE YEAR !!!!weeee ~! ^^okay bye guys ~ if 2009 was a f*cked up year,treat it like useless shitand make 2010 a piece of polished artif 2009 was a nice year, don't let anything get in the way with you and 2010 ^^peace ~ :)
school starts
Saturday, 2 January 2010 @ 10:57 pm
after a not very eventful year end holidaysit's back to the new school term man ~!no more late nights,tonight's the last then !well,it's gonna be a fruitful 2010 for me,I hope !looking forward to it cos it's gonna be a smaller class size *no offence to those whom retain* =(so without those jokers,I can definitely concentrate in classwell with the exception of one or two,whom are my true friends... =(gahhI'm gonna fail the A math confirmation testwhich means I'll be strongly encouraged to drop it..SHIT ~!what a way to kick off 2010let fate decide my future thenhey June holidays,I'll wait for you! xD
sad 2010
Friday, 1 January 2010 @ 4:06 am
Happy New Year everyoneeveryone's blog the same.starting with ' it's been a ____ 2009 'lolI don't really care.. forget about 2009 ! move on to 2010anyways,2009 has not been a very fruitful year for me anywayO'levels are at the end of the year,and today is the first day,yet it seems so close already..anyways..random. lolhaiyaaaa !!!no new year resolutions for menothinglet nature take it's courselet fate decide my futuretime flies so fastseemed like it was just yesterday when I held a 2008 countdown party with Shaun & Chester in my house..and we sang auld lang syne when 2009 beganahhhh,epic memories that will never be forgottenit's been such an different 2009 I had as compared to my 2008 one2008,I had friends2009,I had lesser friends,but true friendsooh,and the band camp which I came back from. I spent my two nights there,lying down on the floor with Dwayne and my junior,looking at the stars and moon at night. and talking about personal stuff,innermost secrets and desiresthere's a real difference between friends and true friends :(so 2010,shall be a positive year !! I hope,for me,and for everyone else.. !!! hope everything will go well ^^peace out 2009~