last name, G U I
Saturday, 25 April 2009 @ 9:32 pm
Hey guys... Mid-year exams are coming. I'm trying not to use my com for these 2 weeks.
So...don't bother tagging on me tagboard..
Bye~ :)
Heart n Voice
Sunday, 19 April 2009 @ 9:32 am
Hi guys. lol,wanted to post ytd..but was too tired. +.+ Anyways,ytd band was fun,tiring in the start,due to drills..but was fun when playing the songs :DPlayed rainbow breeze,rolling thunder.Then sight read many scores. Like With Heart n Voice etc... Haha,JiaWei regretted not coming. He wanted to play the mallets.Woot~ I played Timpani. =P . My first try,since Sec1(I think)lols,that's all lor. Bye -.- ...Sian,SA1 coming...
Wednesday, 15 April 2009 @ 12:31 am
Hey dudes. I'm using laptop to post now. Apparently I dunno wtf is wrong wif my PC... the connection is always down on my PC... screw it. duno whether is virus.. or connection problem. f*** it la. has been pretty normal these few days?
Good Friday...frens came usual ... and played Xbox .. and school starts again..
SA1 is coming in arnd 3 weeks time...
Gotta study hard ! >< . Cannot afford to slip up again. F*** this.
Anyways... SYF ended a week ago. One week break. Band starts again tomorrow,preparation for Sports Day,which is two weeks later.
Sec4's are officially passed out from band after that...
Gonna miss all my seniors man !
Haiz. It's times like this,you never want SYF to come.. rofl.
We always complain before SYF about the long,tiring practices that we face. But now,after SYF,when there's no more band. Everybody starts to miss band ! LOL ! I duno la.
It's some kind of psychological thing yea. ? Sometimes,even when u spend a long time with somebody or something that you don't like... when you leave him/her/it.. you'll miss it.
Haha,it's the bond with our band mates.., I guess. =X
Anyways,I gotta focus more on studies now. Like I said,cannot afford to slip up.
Bye ! Gotta sleep alrdy. Tmr hav band -.- . Tiring. Haha =P
SYF memories
Friday, 10 April 2009 @ 9:59 am
Hey ppl. after reading JiaWei's post. Okay...I admit. I'm touched... Already touched...but after reading his post. Almost shed to tears :(New batch coming in...that means have to deal with new ppl le. They're all gone now.This SYF is like.. A last bid farewell to all my seniors >< and this journey to SYF. has been so memorablelike in JiaWei's post...since last year from the TPJC band fest..Attending the drumset Masterclass.. , seeing girls etc... xD.It has all been so memorableThen Mr.Surapol came..and he is such a friendly guy =)Then we practised our SYF songs from then...all the way until now,where just 10minutes on the stage and all many months of practise have been put to a Gold award x)from the year end holidays last year,through the sectionals with Fredy,long hours of band pracs.. it has all paid off.the memories are really unforgettableand I spent so much time and fun/joy/laughter with my seniors through out this periodthen now they're all just seems. that All Good Things Come To An End.. don't they? :( It just does.. ~_~SYF 2009 will always be a memorable experience for me.and ps...JiaWei..for copying your idea of dedicating messages to you all also. =Xbut...these messages are for the seniors whom I'm gonna miss... here goes..Saw - you have always been a great Timpani player and the way u always sit behind the Timpani makes the timpani area feel as if there's someone there to talk to xD.Lucas - you're a cheerful guy dude =) . I still rmbr the BBQ last year during June hols. I still have pics in my com man! and I rmbred lending u my Halo2 CD for a period of time. aha xD. You're good at the Toms =) and... all the soccer after band etc.. has made band life really enjoyable when you were around. Thx ^^. God bless for O's =)Mark - you're also a cheerful guy. and altho' I noe ur not say very enthu in band.. but you do show some effort in band at times :). haha,also you play soccer after band and make soccer sessions so fun,always ^^. Thx,and God bless you too,for O's =)JiaWei - haha! SL.. no more liao lo.. now no more band liao...hav to focus on ur O's liao =) . Haha,you're always into Mallets and I like the fact that you're somewhat more appreciative towards band liao,compared to your lower sec days. haha,I guess everybody changes.. and you also play soccer after band.. and I will miss the fun days that you have brought to percussion. Thx,and God bless for ur O's too ^^. Raymond - haha :). Raymond.. you too. I also like the fact that you've learnt to take responsibility and take the Horns to a higher level. Good job! =) . And you're also a cheerful senior,and have brought much fun to the band & horns(from what I see everytime) ... and you also play soccer with us everytime. I will also miss those days...and thx ^^. Good luck for ur O's too :DChew Chee Peng :) - haha. Chew... I think you should know that we've been quite good friends since Pri scul. haha,being my neighbour and taking same scul bus to school every morning xD. Then I'm always late for the bus and causing everyone else to wait for me. Omg,I feel so guilty now =X ...and playing Pokemon cards in the Park.. xD. and coming to my house for Halo,Fifa etc... you can just come anytime..since you're my neighbour...then always going to the Park for mini penalty shootouts xD. You're the one who influenced me into liking soccer. seriously.I didn't know a bloody sh*t about diving that time...until you started bringing me to the park to play soccer with me...haha =P... yea...we've been good friends since Pri scul. and as you leave,it's ok actually. We're still neighbours xD. but point is... you're a cool band major =).. and God bless for ur O's too ^^I'm not gay ar... ppl. I know my messages may sound a little gay...but I'm not okay??
I just honestly...miss the fun times that I had with them during band.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009 @ 11:56 pm
Some pics ...taken before going to SCH.
Orgy? o.O ,lol

Zu De :"Bleargh! !!! his hands are so smelly! " =P

Double Reeds. Left to right - RenBin,Darren,Dwayne.

Zi lian Dwayne!

Darren(full of smiles) ( :

Me(looks spastic) & Dwayne (=

Maris Stella High School - Gold !
lol...duno what to say sia. Everyone aimed for GWH...
I guess the expectation's too high la. We're all very tired ... and I guess Gold is good :) . Yea it's good.
Anyways. Most saddening thing now. Is, Sec4 percussion 09 are leaving.
I'm not gay,not emo. But I almost feel like crying thinking about it.. seriously,in my 3 years in this band...they're the most fun seniors and band mates I've ever had man !
Soccer games after band,going to Pri scul during breaks to eat. Slacking during tuning etc... Oh my gawd,those were the good times man!
Now times have changed. I'm the new SL now. Norman's another problem for me to deal now. -.-
Well,at least I don't have to go for another SYF. More relaxed le =)
Haix. I guess it's only me n Kevin up for soccer after band. Oh my god ! I'm starting to hate the year 2009 that awaits me. and there's still next year. T-T . This is so saddening
More than half the fun & enthusiasm of percussion comes from all the my seniors,and they are all gonna zao ...
Can imagine how life in band for me would be so sien now. ~.~
Haiz... looks like good times never last. Do they? =(
SYF !!!
Tuesday, 7 April 2009 @ 10:39 pm
SYF !!!
Sunday, 5 April 2009 @ 12:40 pm
Super excited now...cause my Internet is finally working... ^^Yesterday my Internet was totally off...I think is bcoz of the stupid April 1st virus...the one where they say not to turn on your comps. on April 1st... -.- but I thought it was fake..turns out it was true... f***ing hell...finally removed the f***ing Adware from my com with Norton 360,which Dwayne told me to delete a long time ago.F^&* u Dwayne.. lol jk.Anyways...Yesterday was a long,tiring day of band...but morning was quite ok.ChongBoon percussionists came over,haha they're so fun & cheerful. xD.
Got teased throughout the whole sectionals....-.- due to some reasons...
Haha,so had sectionals until lunch,which I didn't eat.
then full band until 5. tiring... -.-
After dat,Darren & Dwayne,as always...came to my house...
Yesterday was a tiring day,but quite fun in some way or another. *Ahem* for those of you who know it... I DO NOT LIKE HER la !!! Jus friends... +.+.
Ok,bye :D
Wednesday, 1 April 2009 @ 10:26 pm is dam pressurizing and stressful...but what to do. SYF's just next body is like experiencing fatigue everywhere now. Mentally & physically... crap sia. -.-...everyday so late then come home.,next morning hav to wake up so early..can't even study properly liddat... SIEN LA SIEN LA SIBEI SIAN ARH !!!!Anyways.. ~.~ ,
Tio Nut.. -.-
Spell your name backwards
Pretend you had 15 beers. Describe what you will be doing right now.
sell them to the beer factory.
Where are you right now?
What is the closest object to you?
Do you talk to yourself?
sometimes...everyone does -.-...
Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
most of the time... xP.
Who knows a secret about you?
How long is your hair?
arnd 3-5 cm?
How much money do you have?
duno ... $ 40 - 60 ... in my money box now..
Done something you regret?
have you? +.+
What's your current mood?
Are you wearing something on your head?
no ..
Is your birthday on a holiday?
depends whether the holiday falls on that week or not.
What do you spend most of your money on?
Xbox360 games/merchandise
Last thing you cooked today?
didn't cook today.
Did you have a nap today?
your definition of nap? ..maybe..during CCA-5minute nap,on the floor.
What are you listening to right now?
me breathing.
Last Friend you talk to on the phone?
Why is the sky blue?
duno. Water vapour?
What do you do when you first wake up?
go back to sleep.
Do you swear a lot?
not say ALOT la...
Where is your cell phone?
on my bed
Like anybody?
not really..
List the people you miss:
1.Ex-pri scul buddies room girl(only nut will noe who I toking abt. =p)
3.MrQuek. Pri scul band conductor pri scul juniors..altho' I hated them -.- ...
Pick 8 random people you feel comfortable around (including yourself for no. 4):
1. Randy
2. nut
3. Dwayne
4. ME
5. JoonWoon
6. WeiJie
7. Darren
8. ZhiHui
These 8 people you just picked are stuck in a house with you for a whole year. There is no leaving the house at all until the year is completely up. If you had to choose a person for every question below, write down which person it would be.There are 4 rooms, who will be in each room?
Room 1: Dwayne n Darren
Room 2: me,Randy and nut
Room 3: JoonWoon & WeiJie
Room 4: ZhiHui ( LOL )
If there was someone singing in the morning, who would it most likely be?
If someone was considered the dad and the mum of the house, who would it be?
JoonWoon & WeiJie
If you wanted candy really badly and all 7 in the house had some, who would you take it from?
nut. he got many fruitplus.
If two ppl were caught making out in a closet, who would it be?
Dwayne & Darren
If someone had to watch you brush your teeth (every) morning, who would it be?
There were two bag of chips bought at the store, but 20 minutes later, they are gone. Who ate them?
Who would hate being in the house the most?
Someone took (brand spanking new) pair of socks that were never worn, who is the thief?
Someone swept all the dirt under the rug, who was it?
If there were arguments in the house, who would be the ones arguing?
nut & I
Who would be the one missing their bf/gf that wasn't in the house?
You walk down the stairs in the middle of the night for a glass of water, someone is dancing on the table in their Leopard Thongs, who is the crazy one?
A pillow fight broke through, who started it?
There's a marathon of your favourite TV show. What is it? Who would be watching it with you?
err ... some Nazi show. Me,Randy & Nut.
Someone made a fort in the laundry room, who was the kid?
There are pranksters in the house who put plastic on the two toilets in the house, who are the pranksters?
The music's too loud, who turned it up?
There's a mouse crawling on the floor all over the house,(a) Who's the first one to scream?(b) Who's the first one to jump in someone's arms?(c) Who would be the first one to kill it?
Someone's crying, who is it? And what happened?
ZhiHui. paranoid- germs (only chewbacca & HuaXuan noe )
Who made pancakes in the morning and almost caught the house on fire?
Who gets sick of each other the fastest in the house?
o.o ...
Someone's tanning on the roof, who is it?
Who is the tallest in the house?
maybe nut.. or ZhiHui. duno =X ..
Who's the shortest in the house?
JoonWoon? =P
Who is the loudest?
can't really distinguise.
Who is the clown?
Who is the most respectful?
Randy. Ichigo,Erchigo,Sachigo. xD. -.- ...
Who is the one you go talk to most?
duno .
Who is the one who always comes up with stupid ideas?
Dwayne? . lol. maybe nut.
Who's in bed first?
me.. =P.
If someone woke everyone up with pots and pans, who would it be?
Who is always dancing?
JoonWoon & WeiJie
Someone has the same sweater as you, so you get mad at them, who is it?
You spilt ice all over the kitchen floor, who would be the one who slipped on it first?