last name, G U I
Yes Man
Tuesday, 30 December 2008 @ 10:36 pm
Hey guys...nothing much again...except school's gonna reopen...hip-hip..booo?...Yesterday slept at 6a.m,coz stayed awake for ManU match at I slept till 10a.m+...till the air-con repairman came and repaired my air-con..
My air-con is working now :D
Today went out to Mount Faber Safra with Shaun & Raymond. Played pool with them...
Met ZC at Tiong Bahru plaza for YesMan. I used up my free movie tix =),which I luckily did...coz scul reopen cannot use liao...
Watched and laughed alot,lol.
After that went to Toh Payoh for dinner and played arcade
Played the percussion drums thingy and Daytona,and some Japanese drum game,lol
After that,bought bubble tea with Shaun and took 153 home. And here I am.
Tired... =*O...yawns...bye~
Tio tagged...
Sunday, 28 December 2008 @ 12:34 am
Hey guys..tio tag by let's just do it.. :P
1. Tell us a secret
I have nose hairs. =X
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl older than you?
Not over two years older can liao.. =)
3. Would you rather be ditched or betrayed by your friends?
Ditched...then I'll betray them >;-P
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Donate to Old Trafford,and build a soccer field for all my friends to play in.
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
My best friend is not a girl...but if it were,maybe lor ;)
6. If you were stuck in a well/deserted island, with nothing to eat but with some person you really damn hate him/her cause of betrayal/done "shang tian hai li" stuff, would you want to cooperate and get the hell out of the well/deserted island?
Safety first...or course I would..get out alrdy then can do many things to him/her...
7. How do you define love?
A feeling that either holds loyalty,or betrayal.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Why would I like someone who is already attached in the first place? =O
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
10. What makes you sad?
Waking up so early for school everyday >;-(
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
That'll be left for my future to decide
12. Who is/are currently the most important people to you?
Family and friends lor...and tuition teacher =P
13. What is being regarded as the most important thing in your life?
Loving parents
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and rich(but have a lover) haha :D
15. What is your favourite colour?
The colour I'm using to answer all these questions =P.
16. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick?
The one who doesn't mind my bad habits. =X
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
I would...but only let himself have the conscience of his actions.
18. What do you want to tell the someone you love?
Want me to hate you? You have a long way to go :D
19. If there is a choice between lover and friends, which will you choose?
Friends give you morale support. Love just makes you happy...
20. Do you believe that there's "True Love"?
21. What is the number one thing that you want to do most now?
Finish by f***ing tuition homework!!!
5 people who're going to do this survey:
Me,Myself,I,Me too and the mirror(hey,that's me!)
Wednesday, 24 December 2008 @ 11:53 pm
Hey guys...yesterday was pretty boring...Chester came in the afternoon and played Xbox with me.Until around 10p.m? Went to Chester's house to "study"...met Shaun in the endnever study anythin,lol...
Was expected though... +D
So we just chatted and slacked until midnight,wow!
We were lucky that the last bus was at 12.40a.m =O.
So Shaun followed me home and stayed over...coz he didn't bring his keys =.=...
Slept at 4a.m,woke up at 12 =O.
Nick Chew came over at 1.30 or so..and played my drumset...and Xbox as well..
After that they all zao and I slept until 9+...and here I am blogging.. =)
Tomorrow is Christmas !...
I somehow don't feel happy like everyone... +.+...every year I treat Christmas like some ordinary holiday...don't know why though...
Anyway,tomorrow going to father's friend's house for Christmas dinner...boring Christmas always...
Haiz...looking forward to 2009 all of a sudden,I don't know why =O...I somehow miss something of school life,even if I hate it...I somehow miss it.. =P
Sometimes even if you don't like something,then you don't see it for a long time,you'll miss it. Odd I know...but that's how I feel... it the canteen food? The loads of homework and stress? .. LOL,I really don't know...I just miss school =X.
Monday, 22 December 2008 @ 12:03 am
Lols...nothing much to post..trying new font here,haha liao =.=...Oh yea. just some random stuff.Did u know girls are three to four years more mature than guys,in terms of psychology and emotional quantity(EQ). Haha,VERY random... +.+Anyways,had nothing to took a look at my Archives..since January...really brings back the memories I had for 2008. School life,holiday life,and pretty much everything I experienced in 2008.All of you should take a look at your archives =). Especially at this time of the year,when it is going to end. It really brings back the memories =) .. Lol,bye all ;)Looking forward to 2009? Never!!! >;-(
Friday, 19 December 2008 @ 11:25 pm
Yo all! YESTERDAY WAS PERFORMANCE DAY!!! WAHAHAHAH!!! =DDD...Lols,just kidding..
yesterday was performance day... =.=
Main band had to reach TPJC by 2p.m...percussion could reach at 3..hahas :P. It rocks bein in percussion.
The rest of the perc. didn't know,so all of them came at 2p.m. Rofl,so they slacked around first...Reached TPJC at 3..saw Tzu De,Saw n Lucas walking in the JC,lol. Payed 9bucks for the cab =.=...Slacked around til 6+ and got ready for full dress rehearsal. After dat went for dinner,if I remember correctly =O.Then got ready for concert..MSHS,first band to perform. Lols.Screwed up a little bit on the drumset,but didn't mind. Ok la,maybe a little =x.Watched the other bands perform and had fun. Esp this perc guy from TPJC,who was dancing while playing. LOL.After all of that,went back to school. And went for supper with frens. Ate at Macs and took cab home with Dwayne and Darren. =).
Ok,today went to Shaun's house,to "celebrate" his B'day,lols. Played GH World Tour with Raymond,Lionel,Lucas n Shaun. Suanned Shaun alot xD,but in a joking way luh. Haha.
After that,took 153 and went home with Lucas.And here I am =). Boring days await me. More boring days await,when school reopens...+.=... SIIIIEEEEENNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 17 December 2008 @ 10:31 pm

Weeeeeee~!~ :D
Today went to TPJC,as usual,for band. And didn't stay for main band. Went to Boon Keng with JiaWei for soccer with his frens. I played goalkeeper,in a field. First time!!! And f***,damn fun lor!!
FIELD SOCCER IS MUCH MORE FUN THAN CAGE!!! (this is for you,Cavin). The penalty box is bigger than one pitch of the cage..!! Wtf. +.+After that went to J8,with JiaWei and two frens,for lunch...took MRT home after that..
and here I am =P.
Saturday, 13 December 2008 @ 3:10 pm
Drumset ain't coming today.Truck got involved in an accident.
Products got damaged.
Next available delivery-Tuesday morning
Couldn't sleep ytd nite,coz was too excited
Suddenly receive a call. Drums couldn't be delivered
Friday, 12 December 2008 @ 11:01 pm
Hi guys. Today went to TPJC for band fest day 1. Had masterclass from 9+ to 12.30. Was quite ok. Learned some drum techniques from the tutor :D. He got some of us drummers from diff. sculs to play diff. drum rhythms..I played Face Down intro. rhythm and screwed up abit ;X. Hehes. Then from there,correct us here n there. So cool :)Full band with Mr.Surapol and Mr.Chiang from 2-5.30. Lols,took 81 home with Dwayne,Darren and Nicky. Slept in the bus,lols :P.After that friends came over and Time Crisis-ed 4 on sister's PS3,lols. I feel like such a freeloader.Arrgghhh,I hate the new painting in my room!!...DAMN STENCH!!! >;-(But it's all for making room for my drumset,coming tomorrow afternoon!!! >.<...I must be patient~~!!! Grrr >;-(
Thursday, 11 December 2008 @ 12:44 am
Hi guys. Today went out with WeiJie,Alloy & Chris. Dwayne followed and brightened up the mood =). Chris suddenly said he couldn't come..oh well =O.
So we went to arcade first and played Time Crisis
Some rhythm game,those hand-eye-coordination games where you press the buttons together wif the music.
and Dwayne para-ed..
After that we played pool for 45mins or so..and ate lunch at Long John Silvers. Treated Dwayne back for the KFC he treated me before...
After Long Johns,was supposed to follow WeiJie and Alloy to Bugis for some shoppin and stuff...but then my Dad suddenly called me,to go see the drumset!! I reluctantly decided to pang-sei them,=O.
Hahas,then went back from Outram,to Dhoby Ghaut,to Kovan =.=...met my Dad at Kovan,and went to Dhoby Gauht again...dun ask me why I did that ==...
Then Dwayne bought his stuff for his dear,and he didn't want to tell me what it was x(
So we went to the Yamaha shop and there was a piano and woodwinds section on one side,and percussion instuments. Met Dwayne at the piano side,and then went to the percussion(drums)side.
Dwayne left early and it was a wise decision of his,coz I spent three hours choosing which drumset I wanted...=O. From 6p.m to 9p.m,on choosing drums. <.>,lol
After that went to Little India for dinner and then went back home and here I am,blogging =)...yay!!! My drumset getting delivered on Saturday!!! ^^~!!!
Ok guys,I don't think I'll be free to blog anymore,after Saturday,hehe :X.
Wednesday, 10 December 2008 @ 2:40 am
Hi guys. Here to post again. Shaun,JitKai n Chester came to my house today. =O. No pics...just to play n slack la. I trashed JitKai on Fifa09 like 5-1 +,lols...and then Shaun n Chester were playing their PsP. Chester's so happy now that he's got his PsP,so happy for him :D.Then I played WWE with Shaun,he owned me like f***...coz he's like addicted to that game...lols...I don't even know which button triggers the counter attacks and reversals...f***...+.+...then I played until sien decided to play Halo Trial with Chester,in my room(mini-lan) xD. Laptop beside my com =P.We drew 12-12 the score...but I could and should've won,plainly coz my laptop was lagging...could've won like 13? 14-12? lols. Ahhh,anyway it's fun havin two coms side by side,like a mini-LAN. Seriously very cool :P.So Jit Kai left before dinner,Shaun n Chester stayed for dinner.. and Chester left at 9.30.. and Shaun left at 11+...watching videos and surfing net b4 leaving..+.+...and before reaching the bus stop,his bus just passed. He ran...but couldn't catch up...poor fella =(, he had to take taxi home..Oh well,going play pool with WeiJie,Alloy & Chris @ Safra later. Cya guys =)
Tuesday, 9 December 2008 @ 12:59 am
Went to Chinatown with parents today for shopping :P. Bought new bag,pants and new slippers. Although bought few stuff only...but total $200+...feel so guilty >.< .My Dad say gonna go see drumset with me on Wednesday or Thursday,can't wait sia~!~ :D.I donno wad to do,f*** Monday I got a football game(field one),so it's not cage one,not indoor one. and wtf,I have band. For once I can try to play in a different environment and wtf,I have band. Son of a b!tch! .
Sunday, 7 December 2008 @ 3:43 am
Erm...Friday had sectionals. Fredy worked on Horns on choice piece. I hear until sien liao... haha :P. After sectionals followed Fredy and company,with Dwayne :D,to Toa Payoh for Macs. Ordered Mega Mac meal,lol =O. Then followed Dwayne to a PsP/phone shop coz he wanted to dl some game in his PsP,lol...Took 153 home after that. =O. Hmm today had main band from 8-1... after dat didn't know what to I didn't go home...stayed back with Alumni and jus slacked in band room until 5 or so...xD. I tried drumming "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold,and I can get the beat,just need alot,and I mean ALOT,of practice,=X.My tution starts tmrw. SIEN!!! ...I WANT LONGER HOLIDAYS~!!!! Grrrr~~!!~ >;- (
Thursday, 4 December 2008 @ 8:32 pm
F***!!! Damn sien...+.+...
Woke up...and realised I was late for my usual football game on Mondays...didn't go because Shaun Khor invited 30+ ppl...f***...==
So decided not to go...and I went to my sis' room...saw a beautiful black glamorous PS3 in her room =O...not that I wanted it...coz I had 360 alrdy =x.
Bloody rich sia...she 18 yrs old only...and she getting a TV soon also...wa biang! ==...spent the rest of the day playing PS3 tho :P...
Lols,invited Chester and Randy over...wanted to play badminton with them...but Randy didn't want to...+.+...then Randy played Halo3 with Chester while I did some stuff on my com...Randy soon took over and played Soldier Front...then me n Chester played Halo3 until eye pain...f*** electronic screens godamnit~!'s a f***ing myopic syndrome producer...+.+...
Went for band prac from 2-6...stayed back to play soccer until 6.45 or so...JiaWei and I went to H'land Mall for dinner,with his friend. We didn't know where to eat...then finally we decided to settle in New York. Gawd,the food there is bloody expensive...coke = $3.90 =.=... iced coffee =$ stayed there til 9.30 or so. Took 80 home,lol one stop only =O.
Was hesitant whether I should've followed Dwayne..was supposed to go to Outram at 10? o.O...but then I overslept anyway...until 12.30? Then he called me...=.=...then I didn't go lor...would've been so alone,psychologically, I stayed at home and sadly did nothing T.T...I don't want to spend my holidays like that sia...stay at home do nth'...dam sien one la...
Everytime ppl jio me out,I always busy one...then everytime I free and wan jio ppl out,they busy...wad de f*ck is this man??!! T-T...