you spell it is uh... W W O R Q
last name, G U I

Saturday, 30 August 2008 @ 11:53 am
Haiz...dead blog here...LONG LONG time never updated coz I have been busy these past few weeks...have exams & a camp after dat...sien =.=...also hav nth' to update on anyway...this Sept. hols I gonna study hard esp. at night Monday I maybe going East Coast to play soccer then Tuesday go cycling :]. grades improved but still it sux...55% only T-T...sien la...!!! My Chi & Maths pull me down like f*** sia!!! So dam depressed! Arrgghhhhhh!!!! >:( !!! Den ManU also lost to Zenit St.Petersburg I dunno how to spell wtf...some random Russian or wadeva team in a cup competition...lucky bastards!!! Not to worry! ManU will win the Champions League & League again!!!

Anyways,I'll try to update my blog often now...but exams comin soon also,so expect not-so-often blogging as well...tata,I'm off~!~

Err one week late post...
Monday, 11 August 2008 @ 12:40 pm
Err,nothing much again...just another one-week late blog post...went to NEA Building to perform for National Day celebrations. Altho' we got to ride in the truck again,we missed out a bloody nice performance put up by the Marists and including Mr.Kwok himself...walao...!!! I'd rather stay in scul to watch dem perform!!! Damn...>:(...haiz...

Anyways...went to NEA and performed songs like Stand Up For Singapore,Abba Gold,Sway National Anthem & more...den we got dismissed at 10a.m+ and I left da scul at 11a.m...wanted SK,Jet & the rest to follow me go Heartland Mall 2 eat lunch...den SK & JiaJUn pangseh all of us...Na Bei...den Jet go there 1st,pang seh me,Alloy n Marcus also...

So Alloy,Marcus & I went thr alone lor...we drank bubble tea 1st...and then soon got full le..LOL...but Marcus didn't he was still hungry,den he force us to pei him eat ><,den we hesistate little bit coz full liao...den eventually he juz decided to buy bubble tea and zao home...

So he buy bubble tea liao,we walk to MRT and I walk home,den dey take MRT to Serangoon n zao home,lol...and I'm blogging now...O.o... btw,the pictures below are week late-posted...=.=...Peace out~!~ Exams are comin'~!!!

Pics :D
@ 12:35 pm
PLaying the Wii :D
Playing Xbox360 ;D
Guitar hero?
What they doing? o.O

One week late blogpost +._.O...& this week's.
Sunday, 3 August 2008 @ 2:28 pm the title says,this blog is supposed to be posted the week before...oh well,I'm juz gonna post it now xP. So it was Cavin's birthday,I went to his house to celebrate. He invited his bowling frenz as well as SK and his cousins.

When I stepped in to his house,it was "crowded",lol. So I went to his room to settle down first. Was a little hungry after that,ate homemade lasagne which Cavin's maid cooked,god it was yummy~!~ ^^...Even SK thought so,lol...

After accomplishing our digestive needs,we got to the playing room and spammed Nitendo Wii,lol. There was a sports-game pack,so there was golf,tennis,baseball and bowling. The favourites were bowling and tennis we battled each other in tennis and bowling,while SK wanted to play baseball coz dat was sorta his CCA(softball). Softballs {:-O,lol.

Then there was Xbox360 and guitar hero in the living room,everybody wanted to play it,too bad there was only one guitar :(...but I got to play it :P. So I played as if I were really playing a guitar,woohoo! Got my ROCK on!!! Yea~!~ xD. Then after dat we changed to Halo3,Cavin & I were the sorta" pros" there... =],honestly x

It was soon gonna be night-time and we had dinner there. After dinner,went back to playing room and spammed tennis & bowling again,lol. I lost all my winning-streaks all of a sudden,dunno y T-T...perhaps they practised while I played the Xbox360? xP.
Den we play unttil 8p.m+ den all zao home and Cavin's mum lent me money to take a cab,thanks Auntie! ^^

Reached home and got ready for the following day,Monday =.=,the all-so-very =.= zzzz day...This was last week,I'm gonna update this week's one(scroll down).

This week...

Yesterday went to Ngee Ann City to perform for Singapore Beijing Olympics stuff...overslept slightly with a bloody effed up sore throat,my whole throat like on fire liddat,=.=...didn't feel like going until ppl spam my fone ask me go...Ahhh!!! Eventually,drank warm water(LOTS!) and recovered a little,at least wasn't as bad liao. So I reached there at 9.20a.m,1 hour+ late. =X Shhhhhh!!!~!...

Then got rdy for full band and rehearsed all the songs again...den we zao to Ngee Ann liao,carry all the instruments to the truck den after dat percussion sat on the truck(inc. me) haha xD dam fun! Haiz,dunno why ZhiHui chose to sit on the bus...seriously,anybody would prefer sitting on the truck with lesser ppl rather than on the bus la...Wth =.=...yet he......aiya,forget it...

Then when we reached Ngee Ann,unloaded all the instruments and got ready to perform...slack a little bit here n there,den soon start le. At first was ok,then after dat got mini-break then 2nd time,dam tiring >:=(...After 2nd time,can finally zao le x),so loaded instruments back on truck again,and percussion sat on truck again x). Percussion is so shiok!~! xD...

Reach scul dat time,unloaded instruments and slack in band room little while,dam tired :[ ...den when main band came back,dey help us shift back all da instus,and finally all da instrus were in band room and we got dismissed =D. After dat,some groups went to Macs and some went to LAN,I followed them Nick Chew go home,he live near me. Haiz,felt like going LAN with them,but duwan pangsei Nick Chew =P...anyways LAN oso waste my $$,I need do alot things with those $$$...can't afford to go LAN just like that...x(

Reached home and slept like a pig,but of coz I played little private server first xP. Cannot dahan liao den juz fall on my bed and fell asleep,and I'm only updating today.Bye guys,yesterday at Ngee Ann no pics x(...too tiring can't b bothered to take pics...anyways,PEACE OUT~!~ =D